flynn_ wrote:
There's no way a professsional boxer would randomly punch someone (especially a woman) in the street.
They would be imprisoned and never allowed to compete again.
I train in boxing but never had a bout. The dedication required and fitness is incredible.
Boxing is an incredibly graceful sport as well, btw.
I think you are making your story up or grossly exaggerating it
Do you know that there were and are paedophiles who work as clowns, and clowns are supposed not to harm children?
Do you also know that during WWII medicians committed atrocious crimes against humanity putting aside Hippocratic Oath and discrediting their profession? Those medicians conducted human vivisection, organ removal, tested biological weapons, etc. I'm talking about the Nazis and the Japanese. Doctors are not supposed to do so, right?
Do you also know a well documented case you can check on YouTube on a channel called Autismwarriormama where a woman provides footage from hidden camera where medical stuff abuse her severely autistic nonverbal son? They were also risking their jobs when they did that, weren't they?
The samurai class had their Bushido codex that was very strict and even small disobedience would lead a samurai to death, yet senior samurai often betrayed each other?
Andrewdarr COULD possibly make up her story, as most anonymous people here including me. HOWEVER, what if it's true and you are hurting her feelings by such accusations?
Please start considering other people's feelings.
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