Gallia wrote:
redbrick1 wrote:
Lenny from Mice and Men and Forest Gump
Lenny!! ! that makes sense
I remember doing about Mice and Men at school, there was this kid in our class who had a support teacher and I overheard her saying "You know, Lennie kind of reminds me of you" to him.
The teachers weren't quite sure what this kid had, but he seemed to be displaying signs of some kind of undiagnosed disability.
Other kids used to tease him and tried to trick him on several occasions, but he never seemed to be bothered by it, mainly because he didn't seem to catch on to the fact that was happening. A few of us tried to warn him that others were using him, but he would refuse to believe it as he could not see the bad in others. He was exceptionally naive about the world, this unfortunately made him vulnerable to bullies. I noticed at the time that the other kids would speak to him as if he were much younger, whereas I would speak in my normal tone as I had been talked down to before and I know that can be a horrible feeling (people being condescending to you) so I thought he might also dislike it.
He didn't seem to mind, as he never asked others to stop using that tone or looked annoyed.
Plus, he had similar mannerisms to Lennie (Odd head movements, dragging his knuckles, peculiar voice and posture, etc). In fact, when I first saw the film I couldn't help but see the similarities in how the two presented. This post isn't me trying to be mean, since I'm not trying to make fun of him.
I once overheard a group of teachers speculating on what he could have (the kid, not Lennie), and one of them suggested anti-social personality disorder, but the rest of the teachers disagreed with that. Yes, I did a lot of eavesdropping in school. Don't judge me.
Anyway, I'm going off topic here. So in terms of characters, I've come across fan theories about Wybie from the film Coraline (2009) possibly being autistic.
Support human artists! Do not let the craft die.
25. Near the spectrum but not on it.