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30 Aug 2018, 11:51 am

Despite this being an old article, well, not really that old, less than three years ago, this is a ROUTINE occurrence.

This is NOT an isolated nor «rare» instance of cops murdering civilians.

Australian, Justine Damond, shot dead by U.S. police in Minneapolis
Pregnant Seattle mother killed by police while children were home

Call the cops at your own risk, for if you or your family member DIES because the cops end up shooting them and/or you, then it's obviously because you did not bother to heed my life-saving warning.

Look at the trends, see for yourself, deaths are only INCREASING EVERY YEAR, civilians killed by cops...
Troubled vet shot, killed by Harrison deputy

Then I will quote part of the following article...
NYPD cops fatally shoot bipolar black man holding metal pipe police mistake for gun on Brooklyn street

Bereft family members fought with security at Kings County Hospital after hospital staff refused to let them see Vassell's body.

His 15-year-old son, Tyshawn, described him as a caring father who looked after him.

"He's always been there for me no matter what," Tyshawn said. "He'd always come check up on me, ask me if I'm good."

He struggled to find the reason for the confrontation with police.

"He cared for everybody. If you saw him, he'd always be in a laughing mood. You would never catch him down," Tyshawn said.

The shattered teen said he was still trying to process the news.

This cop-worshipping so-called «society» (CULTure; with emphasis on word CULT) we live in truly sickens me.

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30 Aug 2018, 12:18 pm

It is indeed a tragedy when an unarmed person is killed in their own home.

MY beef is with those families who try to sue the police who killed one of their homeless relatives -- if they truly loved their relative, why didn't they get him or her in off of the street? Why did they not care enough to intervene in their relative's life, give them a place to live, and see to it that they received mental-health care?

No ... those families were all too happy to be relieved of the burden of caring for their mentally-ill and homeless relatives, and were even more happy to sue for a monetary settlement from the police and the city that employed them.

It sucks to be homeless, even by choice; it sucks even more to be homeless because you've been rejected by your own family. It really sucks to be killed by the police. But the maximum suckage is reserved for those situations where the greedy family collects millions of dollars in compensation for the death of an unwanted, uncared-for, and mentally-ill homeless relative at the hands of the police.

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30 Aug 2018, 7:46 pm

Hey, some homeless people are welcome at home and leave by choice. And it's not always because their families are toxic.

And some families have to throw out a family member who has been violent to them.

If a homeless person is shot by cops in a way that does not follow standard police procedures, I think the family has every right (and maybe a responsibility) to sue.

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01 Sep 2018, 9:47 am

I think the cops need better training to help deal with people that have varying degrees of mental illness. There was that incident where an old grandmother was shot and it was known that she was mentally ill and the cops still shot and killed her.


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01 Sep 2018, 10:27 am

Not happening. The people who write up the rules and protocols do NOT want intelligent people work in the LEO departments. See the case of Robert Jordan versus City of New London, Case # 99-9188, where the police-departments refuse to hire people whose IQ-scores are high (they screen out people with BRAINS from working).
Few people know how deep the «plot» goes behind trying to «incite civil unrest» amongst the population.
This is INTENTIONAL. You think that the solutions amongst the policy-makers don't exist to stop these problems?

Nope. Problem-Reaction-Solution. SOMEONE is PROFITTING from this madness.

They LIKE it when it becomes «common-place» where cops use the excuse : «I thought his cell-phone was a gun.» or «I thought the dog was reaching for a gun.» or simply «I feared for my life.» (cops are apparently taught that anybody who makes mention of mere «words» [and these are key words that are pretty damn good and exposing the lies and hypocrisy of government], even though they're not reaching for anything or even raising their arms, are «dangerous» people, and then they'll «irrationally» call 20-30 other cop cars for «back-up» just to deal with ONE UNARMED man).

Simply put, they want «idiots» working as police, who cannot distinguish fantasy from reality. They want bafoons who go about following UNLAWFUL (and thus unconstitutional) orders INSTEAD of arresting their TREASONOUS superiors for committing or trying to commit TREASON. Sure, sure, they can «blame the prosecutor» all they want, but the «prosecutor» is doing nothing but giving «commands» that these «idiots» don't know are UNLAWFUL. Would you blame the prosecutor for making you commit suicide if he told you to go jump off a bridge and you were actually FOOLISH enough to «follow the order» to go jump of a god-damn bridge!? Same thing with police.

They follow «unlawful/illegal/unconstitutional» orders/rules ALL the time, because the «system» WANTS it that way, people who are actually DUMB ENOUGH to go jump off bridges when told, similarly to how they're told to SHOOT IMMEDIATELY when they feel «threatened» for ANY «reason» (arbitrary reasons of course). What the hell other kind of IDIOT do you think would still CONTINUE to «pump bullets» into a man who was ALREADY HAND-CUFFED and was ALREADY SHOT and was ALREADY BLEEDING ON THE GROUND and yet the GROUP OF COPS still «emptied their rounds» into someone who was ALREADY CRIPPLED ANYWAY!? Oh, right, the cops «feared for their lives» because they «thought he might be reaching for a gun, or a bomb», despite the fact that his hands were behind is back, whilst he was hand-cuffed, and unable to move/react/respond.

This has NOTHING to do with «training» and EVERYTHING to do with the FACT that EVERY «cop» is a potential «psychopath» and don't even KID yourself about the so-called «good cop» because even Dr. Jekyll was a «good man» when he was not «triggered» into being Mr. Hyde; ALL «cops» ARE a potential THREAT and DANGER to the public. PERIOD. ALL are «prone» to «Jekyll & Hyde» SYNDROME, and if you don't believe me, try telling ANY cop whom you confront next time that you're going to have to place him under «citizen's arrest» for making you feel threatened with his acts that come across to you as domestic-terrorism, then SEE if you'll even make it out of that encounter ALIVE (and consider yourself LUCKY if you're only surrounded and arrested with 50 other «back-up» cops who were called).

green0star wrote:
I think the cops need better training to help deal with people that have varying degrees of mental illness. There was that incident where an old grandmother was shot and it was known that she was mentally ill and the cops still shot and killed her.


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01 Sep 2018, 2:12 pm

Sorry, people, but having been homeless myself, I feel a deep sense of moral indignation against those families who essentially disown one of their adult members until that member is killed, and only then do they express any 'love' for their now-dead relative.

Of course, I understand that they might want to be reimbursed for the funeral expenses; but to demand millions to compensate them for the life of an individual that they did not want to keep around is simply ridiculous.

And if the deceased left of his or her own free will as an adult, then the family that sues for damages is just as bad as any money-grubbing gold-digger who sues her sugar-daddy's estate for her "fair share" of his wealth.

Yeah ... I know ... I'm a bad, bad person ... so sue me ... :roll:

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02 Sep 2018, 12:56 pm

I am going to have to concur that any so-called «family member» who «called the cops» certainly does not deserve «compensation» (and definitely not in the millions) for calling «thugs» on the fellow.

I have looked into the sources and root-causes of many of societies woes, problems, ills, etc., and going after cops is nothing more than dealing with symptoms, rather than the root-causes and sources; just know that the lawyers/attorneys are going to encourage having the police sued because these lawyers/attorneys themselves receive a certain %%% of the $$$ that result for any such related law-suit.

You might also be interested to know that most so-called «judges» actually retire as multi-millionaires due to the amount of $$$ that are allocated from each «case» that they hear into their pensions. Now that I think about it, similar to «trying to incite civil unrest» for whatever reason it serves for whomever it serves, I think there's good reason to believe that these lawyer-legislator-policy-rule-makers are intentionally trying to «incite the public to sue» (as if this so-called country wasn't already sue-happy enough as it is) so that they can «profit» from these law-suits...

Fnord wrote:
Sorry, people, but having been homeless myself, I feel a deep sense of moral indignation against those families who essentially disown one of their adult members until that member is killed, and only then do they express any 'love' for their now-dead relative.

Of course, I understand that they might want to be reimbursed for the funeral expenses; but to demand millions to compensate them for the life of an individual that they did not want to keep around is simply ridiculous.

And if the deceased left of his or her own free will as an adult, then the family that sues for damages is just as bad as any money-grubbing gold-digger who sues her sugar-daddy's estate for her "fair share" of his wealth.

Yeah ... I know ... I'm a bad, bad person ... so sue me ... :roll:

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02 Sep 2018, 2:21 pm

There is something else worth pointing out.

How will a cop — or anyone, for that matter — know when a stranger is mentally disturbed? I mean, aside from those who stand naked in the middle of the street yelling at drivers for voting Republican, and that sort of thing.

Down at the shelter, I get to see street people up close. As long as they remain quiet and docile, you would never know that they’re hearing voices or seeing monsters, or getting ready to attack the next person who sneezes.

On the flip side, your average drunk behaves little differently from any certifiable mental case. Same for junkies. You just can’t look at a stranger and say “That one has paranoid schizophrenia”, “She’s just drunk”, “Yeah, he’s an Aspie”, or even “It’s Lou Gehrig’s disease”.

Unless the person is literally wearing a badge that says, “I am Non Compos Mentis”, there is little to tell whether the person is a victim of mental illness or just strung out on grief over breaking up with his girlfriend.

And all of the training in the world means nothing if someone is holding a knife against the throat of a kid or charging at you with a tire-iron.

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03 Sep 2018, 11:59 am

I must necessarily point another issue out; cops often contribute towards people becoming homeless.
And perpetuating the «homelessness problem» with all of their «extortionist» activities. Whilst families may not deserve so-called «compensation» for what cops typically do it doesn't change the fact that many cops factually do deserve to be sued because that is what they subject so many people to as a daily activity.

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03 Sep 2018, 4:22 pm

Ban-Dodger wrote:
I must necessarily point another issue out; cops often contribute towards people becoming homeless.
Evidence, please?
Ban-Dodger wrote:
And perpetuating the homelessness problem with all of their extortionist activities.
Evidence, please?
Ban-Dodger wrote:
Whilst families may not deserve so-called compensation for what cops typically do it doesn't change the fact that many cops factually do deserve to be sued because that is what they subject so many people to as a daily activity.
Evidence, please?

Homelessness has many causes -- not just police involvement. Listed in order of increasing frequency, they are...


(Source: Factors Contributing to Homelessness.)

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03 Sep 2018, 8:12 pm

Fnord wrote:

MY beef is with those families who try to sue the police who killed one of their homeless relatives -- if they truly loved their relative, why didn't they get him or her in off of the street? Why did they not care enough to intervene in their relative's life, give them a place to live, and see to it that they received mental-health care?

Sometimes there is little you can do, some people refuse help (Especially addiction help, or mental health help), and other times people who you care for stab you in the back. For instance, twice now with different people my oldest sister has had cars stolen by homeless friends she tried to help. And a more trusting friend of mine let a whole group of homeless people she saw as friends into her house, just for them to completely trash it.

Diagnosed autistic level 2, ODD, anxiety, dyspraxic, essential tremors, depression (Doubted), CAPD, hyper mobility syndrome
Suspected; PTSD (Treated, as my counselor did notice), possible PCOS, PMDD, Learning disabilities (Sure of it, unknown what they are), possibly something wrong with immune system (Sick about as much as I'm not) Possible EDS- hyper mobility type (Will be getting tested, suggested by doctor) dysautonomia


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03 Sep 2018, 8:25 pm

Cops are not inherently evil, there are bad ones out there, as in every profession. Cops just have more power for the bad ones to stand out. They definitely need more training, I would go as far as making an abnormal psychology course (Focusing on autism, behavioral disabilities, personality disorders, and other things they are extra likely to come across and cause problems for) required for all police officers.

Yelling at people to do what you say, is only going to escalate a situation. And that is what they are trained to do.

I'm sure if I was caught uneasy I could be mistaken for a drunk, and I find it hard to understand people who are yelling. I can think of a thousand ways a simple traffic stop could cause problems.

Diagnosed autistic level 2, ODD, anxiety, dyspraxic, essential tremors, depression (Doubted), CAPD, hyper mobility syndrome
Suspected; PTSD (Treated, as my counselor did notice), possible PCOS, PMDD, Learning disabilities (Sure of it, unknown what they are), possibly something wrong with immune system (Sick about as much as I'm not) Possible EDS- hyper mobility type (Will be getting tested, suggested by doctor) dysautonomia


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03 Sep 2018, 10:49 pm

Cops are not paramedics or medical professionals. They are just people who are there to enforce the law. They are also trained to defend themselves against any violence and attacks. I don't really have sympathy for the "victim" when they charge after the officer with a knife or threaten them with a weapon or if they decide to mess with them by pretending to have a gun and are about to pull it out. I call it self defense when the officer shoots. If the person was mentally ill, it is a tragic thing but it still doesn't change anything. Violence is violence and a threat is a threat.

I have thought of police using tranquilizers so everyone will be happy but apparently for those to work, they have to have the right amount of dosage and they are based on your height and your weight for them to work so that wouldn't work either since every person has a different size and height.

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04 Sep 2018, 1:05 am

Are you freaking BLIND!? All you need to do is open your damn eyes and stop LIVING ON-LINE. Better yet, why not make yourself a freaking time-machine, then go back and experience what I experienced when I was homeless.

Fnord wrote:
Evidence, please?

I would also THINK that someone like YOU should «know» how to use this tool called «Internet» to be able to check for yourself whether there are any such things as «evidence» for my claims or not.

And although an example from a more «remote» location, don't kid yourself, that it doesn't happen HERE... wrote:
Nigerians attempting to make ends meet are accosted on a daily basis by armed police officers who demand bribes, threatening those who refuse with arrest or physical harm.

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04 Sep 2018, 7:38 am

Ban-Dodger wrote:
I would also THINK that someone like YOU should «know» how to use this tool called «Internet» to be able to check for yourself whether there are any such things as «evidence» for my claims or not.

No no no no no, if you are going to make an assertion on an Internet forum, the onus is on YOU to back it up. Otherwise everyone just spouts whatever they're in the mood to spout. And getting all snarky does not give your words any weight.

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04 Sep 2018, 8:13 am

The burden of proof is upon YOU, Ban-Dodger; and you have failed to prove anything.

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