I don't know if this is a world wide thing and I don't even know if it will work but, where I live, there's an active attempt going on to make the word Asperger's unfashionable and phase out it's use.
While I understand that, as it turns out, Hans Asperger wasn't exactly a nice person(!) and people, understandably, want to dissociate Autism from his name, I feel the term Asperger's did seem point to a very specific range of points on the autistic spectrum.
The range that I happen to fit within. You see, I've often felt that ASD is a bit too generalised and vague a term.
When talking to NTs about my autism I often find that if I say "I'm autistic" they don't get it because I am verbal try to be socially active. When I say "I'm on the spectrum", on the rare occasions that they even know what that means, they doubt me because, for example, I can make eye contact (only I know how uncomfortable for me it is because I've had 30+ years of practice). I know it's their ignorance coming into play but they just don't think I "act like" I'm on the spectrum. (Well saying they've never had to live with me..! ) but when I say "I have Asperger's", most of them seem to get that.
Am I the only one, there for, that thinks if we are going to phase out Asperger's then we should find an alternative word first? A universally accepted and recognised word?
Ambiguous diagnosis of Apsperger's given in 2016.
Clarification and formal, written diagnosis of ASD given on 17th May 2018.