Greg Locke (1976–) is an American transphobic, homophobic, climate change-denying Baptist pastor and professional grifter at the Global Vision Bible Church, in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee.
Locke's first notable foray into the public sphere (after his many arrests, of course) was an example of the "stopped clock" saying: it was a takedown of Palestinian faith healer Benny Hinn in a 2005 self-published book entitled Blinded by Benny.
Locke uses his substantial online following on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to transform his childhood propensity as a class bully into the literal bully pulpit, with his vision of "always being filled with hate and rage" directed toward transgender people, gays, and cross-dressers, just as he thinks that Jesus surely would have wanted him to.
Locke came to prominence when he criticized Target's decision to provide gender-neutral toilets. Locke's prophetic and godly status was somewhat tarnished when it was reported that he cheated on his wife with the church secretary and packed the wife and children on a bus out of town so he could focus on the sinful delights of his new girlfriend. He eventually divorced his wife to marry his girlfriend, so no doubt he thinks that God has forgiven him for his breach of the Ten Commandments.
If so, however, some of his fellow Christians have not. He has been roundly criticized for among other things abandoning the Church of the King James Version, but much more seriously for having allegedly abused his wife both physically and psychologically.
Locke had a troubled childhood; he resented his stepdad (Locke's mother remarried when he was 5), failed several grades, and had gotten arrested five times by the age of 15.
On January 5, 2021, the day before the coup attempt, Locke prayed for the Proud Boys and its leader, Enrique Tarrio at a rally by advocating Christian nationalism.[53]:23-24
Locke was present during the 2021 coup attempt, preaching to a crowd of Trump supports at Freedom Plaza with a bullhorn on the day before the event. Shortly before this, Locke referred to himself as part of the "black-robed regiment"Wikipedia in a Facebook post. This obscure term was popularized among certain crowds by Glenn Beck and David Barton in a 2010 political rally, and referred to Protestant ministers who supported the American revolution. Naturally, this became a battle cry with a few dominionist Christians.[56][note 2]
Later, Locke called Mike Pence a "Judas" for merely stating in a speech that the violence at the Capitol riot was a bad thing.
QAnon fan, Anti-Vaxxer, and Pro-Trump insurrectionist. Why should his claims of demon-possessed autistic people come as a surprise to anyone?
Source: This Rational Wiki Article