Neurodiversity: New Paradigm, or Trojan Horse
This is a 4 part very long read but it addresses different aspects of the ND movement, good & bad.
To be honest i haven't read it all as its a long read, maybe an hour or more, just skimming through much of it, so i don't endorse or criticise anything in the links, ( to the best of my knowledge there is nothing offensive in there ).
For those with a bit of time though may find interesting talking points. ... diversity/ ... -nowadays/ ... -industry/ ... jan-horse/
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw
I have skimmed through the four articles. Some of the arguments they make are flawed and some conclusions they make are wrong. They don't always get the logic right. But it's not all nonsense. At least some of it can be used to make you think and articulate your respons. This is all in my opinion, of course. When I have the time I will go back and read it more carefully.
English is not my first language.