NHS charge exemptions (UK only)
I don't know if anyone here will be able to help me, but here goes. I've posted here before, some of you prolly know me, I live in the UK with my boyfriend, who works full time, this means I cannot claim income support, the benefit required to claim free health costs, such as dental charges, optical treatment and prescriptions. I am on DLA and IB, and they do not count as they are not income related and can be claimed regardless of your partner's income.
My mum has offered to help me complete the claim for low income form, HC11 I think it's called, and this is judged on you and your partner's joint income and savings (up to £16.000). Now the bit I find very unfair is my Auntie, who also cannot work and gets DLA and IB, lives with her daughter who works full time, and still gets free health costs under a low income. It is based on your relationship with the person, not their income, which I find very hard to understand, so if you are in an "intimate" relationship your partner, who in my case cannot afford £200 dental and optitions costs, is expected to pay.
Has anyone else had any experiences with this?