What if you could change???
What if there was a way to change your Asperger's, for the better? To relieve the tension, to take away the anxiety, to even increase your social skills? What if there was a way to edge towards normalcy, without losing your personality, without losing what essentially makes you 'you'? (because of cause, we are not Asperger's. We live with it, around it, but are not identified by it.)
Would you take that opportunity?
What if was as simple as an incredibly strict diet, about 50 dietary supplements a day (maybe slight exaggeration but not far off it) and neuorotherapy to stimulate the parts of your brain that simply don't work.
Since my younger brother started this treatment, he has become so different. When he eats the wrong foods, however, the change is almost instantaneous. He becomes rude, arrogant, severely agitated, and will have the usual outbursts that have characterised most of his early life.
Neuorotherapy. It's bloody expensive, but if you can get funding (he was classified as a danger to society and himself, and a possible criminal in the future; I've been told I can get funding on the basis of my severe depression that is Asperger's-related), it's well worth it (like, nowhere near as expensive as full price).
You don't lose you. You simply get the chance to overcome some of those things that make life a little less bearable.
Would you take that opportunity?
I always knew I was a star And now, the rest of the world seems to agree with me.
--Freddie Mercury
I am not sure if I believe diet and its impact, I could be wrong, but like I said...anyway...very interesting question.
For me, right now where I am in my life, no, I wouldn't opt for what you seem to be imply as a pseudo cure for AS. I am in the process of diagnosis, and for me its enough to understand that I am the way I am becuase of how I am wired. I don't want to be someone else and taking away my AS makes me someone else. Yes, the anxiety is awful and I struggle with it, but NTs have anxiety disorders, they have depression, the have ADHD, they have it all. If I wasn't AS, that wouldn't guarantee anything. As for the social skills, I know plenty of female NTs who are nasty and really horrible people, and lots of men who are ignorant and arrogant and don't in my view contribute to society at all. So, being NT versus AS doesn't stop you being a b***h or a prick, so,
No, I like who I am, I am who I am, don't want to chance, don't need to change.
i already said this. I don't believe changing your AS changes who you are. Your personality doesn't change. It's how you react to the world.
As for not believing in the impact of diet, think of it like this. Why do we eat? Why do we have to eat vitamins and minerals and omega three? Why don't we just eat pure energy? Because we are made of chemicals. We run on chemical reactions. We need a constant supply of the right chemicals to continue to function properly. And you know those good bacteria in your gut? They aren't just there for decoration. They produce all sorts of chemicals as part of our natural digestive system. We get holes in our teeth because bacteria in our mouth rpoduce acids when we leave too much food on our teeth for them to eat. The ones in our gut produce all kinds of chemicals. So what we put in decides what we get out.
If you could get a look at a brain scan of an AS brain as compared to an NT brain,you would see that large parts of the AS brain simply don't function as they should. That explains why so many of us have high IQ's - other parts of the brain work twice as hard to make up for the bits that don't work.
If I can overcome AS, will I stop liking coco pops and Queen music? Will I decide that Fox FM is the best radio station in the world and classical music should be destroyed? Hell no. I'll still be me. I'll still be random, a bit shy and quiet... I just won't feel so bad. I'll gain more confidence. But more than just that. When I try and think of something to converse about, just everyday social interaction, I draw a blank. I would like to have an answer. I would like to think that I am me, but I am still like other people.
I always knew I was a star And now, the rest of the world seems to agree with me.
--Freddie Mercury
i would like to get rid of my anxiety.... but my anxiety is actually caused by my seizure medication (and i like my seizure meds).... and if i went back to karate the anxiety would go back down to a managable level.... i just don't have the money right now.... i don't beleive i would lose my cynicism about people, because that is based on my experiences so far, so even if my lack of social conciousness went away, i still wouldn't want to be around people... so there is no point in getting rid of it. and talk about regimented... keeping track of 50 different supplements and eating specific food.... no thank you

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