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15 Mar 2008, 2:06 pm ... utism.html

Over the past few years, CNN Medical News has provided extensive coverage of autism. From the stories of parents and children living with the disorder to the latest science on possible causes to a vast array of treatments and therapies, we have followed most major developments in the field. Every story we report on autism has been stirred an incredible amount of passion from our viewers and our readers.

Now it's your turn to have some of your own questions answered. CNN is planning a comprehensive day of coverage in recognition of World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. The latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that at least 1 in 150 children are affected in the United States.

In a report called, the "Myths of Autism" we hope to dispel any misperceptions about the disorder and the people who live with it. We also want to be very clear that there is still a great deal the scientific community has yet to learn about autism and its related disorders.

Here are some ideas that we hope to address:

- Every autistic person has savant abilities in some area such as Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. Eg: math or memorization

- Thimerosal in vaccines is the main cause for autism.

- Autistic adults will never be able to live on their own. They will always need assisted living care.

Do you think that there are prevailing myths related to autism? What are they? What questions do you need answered?

Does autism touch your life? Tell us your story here:

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:

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15 Mar 2008, 6:30 pm


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16 Mar 2008, 7:51 am

Rather than submitting individual stories, I suggest we submit the Autistic Community's story:
WP representatives will write a story about WP. ASAN representatives will write a story about ASAN.
ANI (organizers of Autreat) representatives will write a story about ANI.
Autscape representatives will write a story about Autscape, etc.

We will than compile all of these stories into a comprehensive story about the Autistic Community, and we will send it to CNN Medical News on behalf of a coalition of our various organizations.

Opinions, anybody?

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16 Mar 2008, 7:56 am

Alex, perhaps you could do something based on what you've learned since setting up WP - the AS community (at least, the one on here's) opinions on a need to focus on care for those with it, rather than the eternal search for a cure; the idea that autism speaks are dickheads (pardon the french); that we can be a caring, community-spirited bunch when needs be... I dunno. Something similar to what you posted recently about the speech you did (apologies, can't remember what it was for, just a couple of days ago).

I guess what I'm getting at is that no doubt all the big charities will have their say and push their agenda; why not do something to raise awareness for this site? I'm sure people could contribute stories or signatures or something...

It's 2am and my mind is starting to lose focus, so sorry if that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

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16 Mar 2008, 7:57 am

KenG wrote:
Rather than submitting individual stories, I suggest we submit the Autistic Community's story:
WP representatives will write a story about WP. ASAN representatives will write a story about ASAN.
ANI (organizers of Autreat) representatives will write a story about ANI.
Autscape representatives will write a story about Autscape, etc.

We will than compile all of these stories into a comprehensive story about the Autistic Community, and we will send it to CNN Medical News on behalf of a coalition of our various organizations.

Opinions, anybody?

I think it's more powerful when they get a lot of messages from a lot of people. I do agree that we should put together a WP story.

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:


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16 Mar 2008, 8:39 am

Tell us your story here:

I don't want you to know my story
as that's seen as narcissistic glory
to this uneducated and autistic allegory
there's a myth behind every firth
and out there amongst the social surf
are all of you shirt wearing sharks of monetary worth
who want to understand me for a momentary birth
'cause there's an agenda in the air
and the only one that this autistic individual cares to share
is the aroma of the burnt phosphor from the box of red hair


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16 Mar 2008, 11:21 am

alex wrote:
I think it's more powerful when they get a lot of messages from a lot of people.
OK, you are right.
alex wrote:
I do agree that we should put together a WP story.
Good. I agree to be interviewed, as an autistic living in Israel, who counts WP among his main online communities for the past 2 years. (my other online communities are also run by autistics).

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16 Mar 2008, 6:41 pm

alex wrote:
I think it's more powerful when they get a lot of messages from a lot of people.
When is the deadline for submission of stories?
alex wrote:
I do agree that we should put together a WP story.
All in favor of Alex representing the WP community for this CNN story?



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16 Mar 2008, 8:34 pm

On a side note, WP-hosted or not, there really should be some website that collects together autism stories, written by adults (or teenagers or kids), to be posted for reading.

Something that just keeps growing and is always there for people to read. Something that shows our variety and our humanness.

I think that would be brilliant, for people wholly unfamiliar with autism where they can come and learn, as well as for those newly diagnosed or newly self-diagnosed-- even veterans of the online communities.

Kind of like those memorials where they list all those names of people who've died in such-n-such event. Only this, the people would be alive, they'd post their stories, and it would be a monument to our life, to human diversity. Hell, why stop with just autism? (Though it's a good first step.)

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16 Mar 2008, 9:45 pm

alex wrote:
Do you think that there are prevailing myths related to autism? What are they? What questions do you need answered?

I think a common myth is that autistics don't marry and have children.

I am married to an Aspie with 2 of my 3 sons diagnosed Aspie.

Another myth is that Autistics don't have friends. My husband and Aspie kids have friends.



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16 Mar 2008, 9:56 pm

Smelena wrote:
alex wrote:
Do you think that there are prevailing myths related to autism? What are they? What questions do you need answered?

I think a common myth is that autistics don't marry and have children.

I am married to an Aspie with 2 of my 3 sons diagnosed Aspie.

Another myth is that Autistics don't have friends. My husband and Aspie kids have friends.


OR that if an autie does get married, the relationship is inevitably unhappy and they often get divorced.

True, we may very well have high divorce rates, but then who DOESN'T? :lol:

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16 Mar 2008, 10:15 pm

I posted a comment on the site, but it hasn't been added yet; I'll give the gist of the most important parts here.
Some more myths:
1. Autistics want to be cured
Um, no. I don't, and neither do most that I know of on this site.

2. HFAs and Aspies aren't like LFAs and shouldn't speak for them.
We've got more in common with LFAs than NTs do, and NTs have no qualms speaking for the LFA.

3. There is an autism epidemic.
We don't have any reliable data on the prevalence of autism either from the past OR the present, so it is impossible to make claims that the rate of autism has increased. Besides, diagnostic criteria have changed and broadened.



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16 Mar 2008, 10:33 pm

Barring outliers, "auties" don't marry, even those with a "normal" level of intelligence.

Asperger's, yeah, it's possible, and many do (not the majority); autistic disorder, no.


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16 Mar 2008, 11:15 pm

Danielismyname wrote:
Barring outliers, "auties" don't marry, even those with a "normal" level of intelligence.

Asperger's, yeah, it's possible, and many do (not the majority); autistic disorder, no.

Not sure if you're posting that as a myth (if so, then I'm not disagreeing with you), but I know several people with Autistic Disorder who are married and happily so. And while you said some may get married, I think you are incorrect in your broad brush statement (if in fact it was meant as a statement and not stating an autism myth).

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16 Mar 2008, 11:20 pm

Although I should say, since it seems HFAs on average tend to have a more severe expression of autistic traits, I wouldn't disagree that probably fewer get married than do aspies since particular traits are often the biggest barrier to intimate relationships.

But to say most HFAs don't get married while many aspies do, I have some hesitation agreeing to that.

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17 Mar 2008, 12:38 am

Sophist wrote:
But to say most HFAs don't get married while many aspies do, I have some hesitation agreeing to that.

There's an outcome study on adults with Asperger's and "HFA" (autistic disorder without an Axis-II diagnosis of mental retardation); it states that apart from one outlier, none of the participants in the study were married, nor would they be able to approach someone for a relationship outside of a mechanical context. I've lost the link, but I've posted it enough around here that I can easily find it if you want the proof.

Naturally, this comprehensive study seems to be neglected by many people as it doesn't paint a picture that many people like, i.e., most individuals with Asperger's don't work, most live at home, and most have few or no friends (it's worst for "HFA").

The majority of those with Asperger's won't get married, but many will simply due to the fact that a small percentage still adds up to many people; the extremely small percentage of those with autistic disorder that do doesn't add up to many.

Apart from the 'net, I cannot approach anyone for any form of relationship (and I can barely use the 'net for such), and I'm as "high-functioning" as one with AD comes (so my reality is similar to the outcome study above).