Autism speaks often relie on innocent parents new to Autism to become their supporters,as they do not have previous education on it,they are easier to believe the Autism Speaks criteria of Autism.
They are not representing Autism,or Autistics or Aspies.
They are representing parents and family of those on the spectrum.
As an LFAer,am feel am not represented by Autism Speaks but what it feels like is when people who do not know am see the Autism
and speak around am like am invisible or worthless,in fact the neuro am saw on friday was like this but at least he apologised,Autism Speaks permenantly treat those who come under lower functioning Autism as being completely useless.
In fact,am would say they don't represent the whole of LFA,they only attempt to represent the most profound of LFA.
But Autism Speaks cannot be said to be the only ones who are ignorant to Autism,it goes on in the Autistic community as well towards other autistics [especially towards those with classic autism or pddnos],neither end of the spectrum can represent the other,and parents should not be allowed to represent people on the spectrum.
There should be other groups out there who really do represent Autistics of all functioning levels.
At least in the UK there is the NAS and Autism Initiatives but not sure if they're on the same level.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!