Today's Autism Headlines
Jenny McCarthy: My son's recovery from autism Thu, 03 Apr 2008 2:57 AM PDT
In light of the recent Hannah Poling decision, in which the federal court conceded that vaccines could have contributed to her autism, we think the tide is finally turning in the direction of parents like us who have been shouting concerns from our rooftops for years. ... cnn_latest
Study Links Some Preemies With Autism
Fox News Thu, 03 Apr 2008 4:49 AM PDT
A small study of toddlers finds that about one-quarter of babies born very prematurely had signs of autism on an early screening test.,2933,345529,00.html
Study links preemies with autism signs
AP via Yahoo! News Wed, 02 Apr 2008 2:23 PM PDT
A small study of toddlers finds that about one-quarter of babies born very prematurely had signs of autism on an early screening test. The research is preliminary since formal autism testing wasn't done. But the results are provocative, suggesting that tiny preemies may face greater risks of developing autism than previously thought. ... preemies_6
Premature babies at higher risk of autism: study
Reuters via Yahoo! News Wed, 02 Apr 2008 2:47 PM PDT
One out of four toddlers born prematurely showed early signs of autism in a study, and the risk was greatest among those children who were the smallest at birth, Canadian researchers said on Wednesday. ... rity_col_2
UN chief marks first World Autism Day
AP via Yahoo! News Wed, 02 Apr 2008 1:44 PM PDT
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised the courage of children with autism and their families on the first World Autism Awareness Day, calling Wednesday for all countries to respond to their needs. ... tism_day_1
Autism Still a Mystery via Yahoo! News Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:25 AM PDT
April is autism awareness month, when doctors make us aware of how little they know about autism. They can't define it, can't say what causes it, and can't even determine if the rates are truly climbing. ... llamystery
Study Links Preemies With Autism Signs
Washington Post Wed, 02 Apr 2008 9:42 AM PDT
CHICAGO -- A small study of toddlers finds that about one-quarter of babies born very prematurely had signs of autism on an early screening test. The research is preliminary since formal autism testing wasn't done. But the results are provocative, suggesting that tiny preemies may face greater risks... ... 00493.html
Al Qutami inaugurates 1st Practitioner's Conference on Autism
AME Info Thu, 03 Apr 2008 2:30 AM PDT
His Excellency Mr. Humaid Mohammed Obeid Al Qutami, UAE Minister of Health, inaugurates 'The 1st Practitioner's Conference on Autism', a medical event related to pediatricians and health care sectors organized for the first time in the region.
Living with autism in the UK
BBC News Wed, 02 Apr 2008 9:26 AM PDT
UN World Autism Awareness Day offers hope to the hundreds of thousands of adults thought to have the condition in the UK.
"The cordial quality of pear or plum
Rises as gladly in the single tree
As in the whole orchards resonant with bees."
- Emerson

Joined: 18 Dec 2007
Age: 70
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Location: The Castle of Shock and Awe-tism
This just in topic
I am very happy Evan recovered from Autism. At this rate, there will be no more Auties left, and NTs will have to invent them.
Yup. Artificial Autistics. Then Jenny et al will have a new crusade.
Radiant Aspergian
Awe-Tistic Whirlwind
Phuture Phounder of the Philosophy Phactory
NOT a believer of Mystic Woo-Woo
the kid is 3 years old. how can she tell ?
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:
Yeah, I was thinking that if TLPG needs to go after someone for spreading "dangerous" ideas, she would be a good one. I hate to say it, but I think people actually pay attention to what she says.
"The cordial quality of pear or plum
Rises as gladly in the single tree
As in the whole orchards resonant with bees."
- Emerson
In advertising ...pretty,rich and famous works. It is a kind of (very flawed)logic that if this person has these attributes and I do what they do then some of it may rub off on me. It's dangerious (non)thinking. It's been proven that people attribute such charactoristics as "kind,intelligent" to individuals based solely on their appearance.
and in the autie corner we have...weighing in at(it isn't polite to say)...Amanda Briggs.Well spoken,logical,compassionate and humorous(but a bit over weight and facial hair,not to mention(but I will)all that destracting flapping and "what not"...
who do you think will win the hearts (and some times lack of)minds of parents wishing their children to be.."all that they can be"
*Please realize that the above is a parody of sorts...I am a huge fan of Amanda Briggs(awesome blogger and advocate for auties)
Point long as the current gestalt sees autism as a disease...we will all be ill at ease.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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Cure Neurotypicals Now!

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No Jenny, autism is not my no. 1 fear.
Lack of acceptance, lack of support and lack of understanding ..... that's my no. 1 fear.
From a Mum of 3 sons - 2 diagnosed Aspie, third one not yet diagnosed but probable Aspie.
(Comments have been disabled on the website so I'm commenting here.)

Joined: 26 Nov 2007
Age: 38
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Location: The murky waters of my mind...
I really enjoyed the BBC story about adults living with autism - it doesn't use the word 'suffer' or portray it in a bad way at all, it simply says we need to focus on getting support for the thousands of adults with ASDs struggling on their own without the support they often need to be getting, and a bunch of quotes from the NAS. I found it a decent, balanced article and it lacked the emotive language they usually have about how it's all doom and gloom and dreadful. Which is, of course, good!!
We are a fever, we are a fever, we ain't born typical...
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