Icheb wrote:
Stop hyperventilating. In fifteen years of use by millions of people, Ecstasy hasn't killed a single user, unlike alcohol, tobacco or just about any other drug. In a
recent study by the Science Select Committee which advises the British government on drug issues, Ecstasy was found to be the third-least harmful drug, after Khat and Amyl Nitrites. It was demonised by the beer producers who quite rightly saw it as a (economically, not medically) dangerous competitor.
Umm ... where are you getting your statistics regarding mortality rates?
In Ireland, Ecstasy (or to be more precise - MMDA) has been listed as the causative agent resulting in fatal dehydration in at least 3 cases in the last 5 years.
Yes, the MMDA does not *directly* halt the functioning of various organs ... it is the dehydration that causes that ... but it is still the cause of death.
Compare that to the statement - "Victim died of exsanguination as a result of a bullet wound to the carotid artery" ... by your argument, the bullet wound didn't kill the person, it was just absolute coincidence that they bled to death.
In theory, if the blood loss could be stopped, the person's life could be saved ... and in just the same way, if someone on Ecstasy is encouraged to keep drinking water, they are much less likely to dehydrate ... but MMDA still kills people!