LeKiwi wrote:
Ok. I'll quote from the article. Just so it's really clear.
Asperger's is a real disorder for some, but has turned into a kind of "get out of self-improvement free" card for legions of socially awkward Pokemon fans. This latter group doesn't care about your "medical credentials," "basic common sense" or even "knowing people who actually do have Aspergers." This syndrome they read about on Wikipedia once is their winning lottery ticket to a life of never having to learn how to interact with other humans.
Sorry for the double post. Oh look equating us to Pokemon fans. Ok, what's next Jews eat babies?
Ok, the second line is hitting beneath the belt. What???? We do listen to your medical credentials, basic common sense(if you have it) and we do know fellow auties in our network, so shut up.
And for the record, many auties do interact with other humans, it's simply cause we don't want to play your stupid social convention/hierarchy/status game. I got better things to dedicate my energies to like learning a different language, writing my book, studying geography and arguing politifcs and being a general activist of all sorts of people. As for your credentials of any kind, I will respect them, but I will respect you even more, if you can decode all that literature into something meaningful. All of my evals have followed a standard college psychology textbook, which as you know are all written in third person omniscient anyway. Of course, whenever a piece of literature is written about a culture in third person omniscient, generalizations are inevitable.
Now, you know what? I am tired of ranting empty words. Seriously.