Autistic People
I am tired of NTs committing grave crimes against our people and threatening genocide against us, we are different there is nothing wrong with that yet they mistreat us because of this. How is the treatment against our people different than that of the Jews, gypsies and homosexual by Nazi Germany during her horrific infancy? I say there is little difference except one thing when Nazi Germany came to power it only made up a small portion of the people of Earth today we have people in every nation, who see us as nothing more than a label just like the Nazi's did to the gypsies, homosexuals and Jews. I have compiled a very small list of autistic victims of abuse by NTs, the NT victimizers, the crimes against our people, and everything else.
Leaky Gut- This theory was coined by Dr. Andrew Wakefield a British researcher who said the MMR vaccine caused a chronic infection of the intestines, which allowed harmful proteins to enter the bloodstream and harm the child's brain. The problem with this is other researchers using a PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) did not find any evidence that the measles vaccine cause a chronic infection which Wakefield had said caused autism. Also if Wakefield was right about harmful proteins entering the bloodstream then their should have been an abnormal levels of proteins found in the blood in the children's stools however there were no abnormal blood protein in the stools.
This is what Michael Gershon Professor and chairman of the department of anatomy and cell biology at columbia University had to say about the topic. “If the presumed 'leak' were large enough to permit [proteins] to enter the body in significant amounts, then body proteins would be expected to move simultaneously in the opposite direction into the [center] of the bowel.”
Thimerosal- Thimerosal was created by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly to prevent diseases from growing in vaccine villas, but before they put it in vaccines they tested to see if it would help cure people of meningitis, they gave adults 2 million micrograms of thimerosal and they did not suffer symptoms of mercery poisoning, also it is important to note that dose was 10,000 times the amount of thimerosal children were getting in the vaccines.
Now in mid-June 1999 the FDA calculated how much mercery was in the vaccines in the form of thimerosal and one of the people they invited as the head AAP vaccine advisory committee Neal Halsey, a pediatrician from John Hopkins Medical School. Even though several studies had reassuring information that thimerosal was not a threat to the health of babies and young children Neal Halsey was still not reassured because of the results of one study. The study was done on the children of the Faroe Islands. The researchers tested the amount of mercery in their umbilical cords and hair then administered a series of test and found that the children who were exposed even to low levels of mercery while in the womb scored worse on tests of attention, memory, language, and even movement and sight. However researchers found out later that the fish that the islanders regally ate was contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs] however Halsey did not know that.
Neal Halsey pushed for the more expensive single vile vaccines (they didn't contain thimerosal) to be given to babies and young children. While he did not represent the majority he did cause some major change because of a failure of the system, because three very important people were not part of the decision making, they were Walter Orenstein head of the CDC's National Immunization Program, Jon Abramson the soon to be head of the AAP advisory committee, and John Modlin, head of the CDC advisory committee.
Under normal circumstances vaccine policies are made by the CDC and AAP jointly with the occasional input form the National Vaccine Advisory committee. However these parties did not jointly work together on this issue because of Neal Halsey's urgency to get something done fast. On June 30, 1999 Neal called a metting at the AAP executive offices in Washington, D.C. now before the meeting he made it clear he was going to ask doctors to start thimerosal free vaccines, eliminate the birth dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine and halt giving children influenza vaccines. Seeing the real threat of disease as a greater danger than the theoretical damage of thimerosal exposer most participants were surpirsed and or angered by his recommendation. Facing great resistance from his colleges he threatened to hold a press release however a compromise was reached children born to mothers who didn't have Hepititus B would not recive the vaccine which would bring the levels of mercery in the system of babies into the current safe range for environmental mercury ( the more potent of the two) set in place by the EPA.
A joint article was released by the AAP and the PHS (Public Health Service).
There are no data or evidence of any harm caused by the level of exposere [to mercury] that some children may have encountered in following the existing immunization schedule. The recognition that some children could be exposed to cumulative level of [ethyl] mercury over the first six months of life that exceeds one of the federal safety guidelines of methylmercery now requires a weighing of two different risks. On the one hand, there is the known serious risk of disease and death caused by failure to immunize our infants. On the other hand, there is the unknown and probably much smaller risk, if an, of neurodevelopmental effects posed by exposure to thimerosal.
The AAP also released a statement by itself.
Parents should not worry about the safety of vaccines. The current levels of thimerosal will not hurt children, but reducing those levels will make vaccines even safer.
These statements confused not only the pubic but doctors as well as both bodies of each press release controdicted themselves. Many parents assumed that the organizations were concerned about the safety of thimerosal thus this is how thimerosal got its bad reputation.
Now when it comes to autism many studies have said that thimerosal does not cause autism but the most compelling evidence comes from the satisticical data from the US, Denmark and Sweeden.
BACKGROUND: In 1999, concerns were raised that vaccines containing the preservative Thimerosal might increase the risk of autism and/or other neurodevelopmental disorders. METHODS: Between the mid-1980s through the late-1990s, we compared the prevalence/incidence of autism in California, Sweden, and Denmark with average exposures to Thimerosal-containing vaccines. Graphic ecologic analyses were used to examine population-based data from the United States (national immunization coverage surveys and counts of children diagnosed with autism-like disorders seeking special education services in California); Sweden (national inpatient data on autism cases, national vaccination coverage levels, and information on use of all vaccines and vaccine-specific amounts of Thimerosal); and Denmark (national registry of inpatient/outpatient-diagnosed autism cases, national vaccination coverage levels, and information on use of all vaccines and vaccine-specific amounts of Thimerosal). RESULTS: In all three countries, the incidence and prevalence of autism-like disorders began to rise in the 1985-1989 period, and the rate of increase accelerated in the early 1990s. However, in contrast to the situation in the United States, where the average Thimerosal dose from vaccines increased throughout the 1990s, Thimerosal exposures from vaccines in both Sweden and Denmark-already low throughout the 1970s and 1980s-began to decrease in the late 1980s and were eliminated in the early 1990s. CONCLUSIONS: The body of existing data, including the ecologic data presented herein, is not consistent with the hypothesis that increased exposure to Thimerosal-containing vaccines is responsible for the apparent increase in the rates of autism in young children being observed worldwide.
One of the supposed treatments for thimerisal exposer was to use ethylenediaminetetraactic acid also known as EDTA which is a chelating medicine used to get mercury out of someone's system if they are exposed to harmful levels of mercury. However EDTA is only effective at protecting someone from mercury posioning immediately after exposure before any damage is done. Once murcury has damaged the body the damage cannot be reversed by the use of EDTA. Also EDTA can kill as in the case of Tariq Nadama, who died from a heart attack after a treatment with EDTA to cure him of his autism which caused his calcium levels to plumet because the EDTA bound to his calcium causing him to have a heart attack and die.
DAN (Defeat Autism Now) – DAN is an organization that promotes unverified treatments for autism. Such as the following
Vitamin B6 and Vitamin A Injections- While Vitamin B6 and Vitamin A are needed by the body to function, however high levels of either vitamin have not been proven to help autistic people and they can cause harm. High levels of Vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage while high levels of Vitamin A can cause liver damage and cause pressure to build up around the brain.
Hydrogen Peroxide- Two DAN doctors injected autistic children intravenously with Hydrogen Peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide is not safe for consumtion or injection.
Casein and Gluten free diets- First coined by a Norwegian biochemist by the name of Kalle Reichelt, he believed he found abnormal amounts of peptides (protein fragments) in the blood of people with autism and schizophrenia due to the incomplete breakdown of grains and dairy products. Many scientist have tried to find what Reichelt did however none have been able to do so even with the use of tests like high-performance liquid chromatography. Futher more a recent study by NIH and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center found that children deprived of the calcium and vitamin D in dairy products were prone to developing osteoporosis.
Rashid Buttar- Is or was a osteopathic physician from North Carolina who prescribed TD-DMPS (a chelation medication) to be rubbed on the skin of autistic children even though it has never been licensed by the FDA for use in children or proven to draw mercury out of the body. Also Butter injected filtered urine into autistic children.
Secretin- Secretin is a intestinal hormone that at one time was thought to be a treatment for autism however it has since been discoved it has no affect on autism.
Methods We conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a single intravenous dose of synthetic human secretin in 60 children (age, 3 to 14 years) with autism or pervasive developmental disorder. The children were randomly assigned to treatment with an intravenous infusion of synthetic human secretin (0.4 µg per kilogram of body weight) or saline placebo. We used standardized behavioral measures of the primary and secondary features of autism, including the Autism Behavior Checklist, to assess the degree of impairment at base line and over the course of a four-week period after treatment.
Results Of the 60 children, 4 could not be evaluated — 2 received secretin outside the study, and 2 did not return for follow-up. Thus, 56 children (28 in each group) completed the study. As compared with placebo, secretin treatment was not associated with significant improvements in any of the outcome measures. Among the children in the secretin group, the mean total score on the Autism Behavior Checklist at base line was 59.0 (range of possible values, 0 to 158, with a larger value corresponding to greater impairment), and among those in the placebo group it was 63.2. The mean decreases in scores over the four-week period were 8.9 in the secretin group and 17.8 in the placebo group (mean difference, –8.9; 95 percent confidence interval, –19.4 to 1.6; P=0.11). None of the children had treatment-limiting adverse effects. After they were told the results, 69 percent of the parents of the children in this study said they remained interested in secretin as a treatment for their children.
Conclusions A single dose of synthetic human secretin is not an effective treatment for autism or pervasive developmental disorder.
Researchers also tried multiple doses of the hormone but no changes were seen.
Bruno Bettelheim- Bruno was a psychoanalyst born in Viennese, he proposed the cause of autism was bad mothers who he later called “refrigerator mothers”. He proposed that by removing the autistic children from their home they would be able to thaw out. With a grant from the Ford Foundation Bruno founded the Orthogenic School in Chicago, he then bragged about success because the children supposedly thawed out however it was proven that was all lies.
Dr. Matthew Israel- He was a doctor who performed painful electro shock therapy on autistic children who said “If it didn't hurt it wouldn't be effective”he aso said “It has to hurt enough so that the student wants to avoid showing that behavior again”.
William Lash III- He shot and killed his autistic sonWilliam H. Lash IV on July 14, 2006.
Christopher DeGroot- A 19 year old man who was locked in his parent's apartment on May 24, 2006 by his parents they then set fire to the apartment. Christopher died with burns coving 90% of his body.
Katie McCarron- Katie was killed by here mother who sufficated her with a plastic garabge bag. Her mother Karen McCarron told police that “Nothing is going to help and it's going to not going ot make any diffrance. [I] just wanted to end my pain and Katie's pain.
Terrence Cottrell- Terrence was an eight-year-old boy who was autistic, his mother took him to the Faith Temple Church i Milwaukee, Wisconsin for an exosisim. His mother held his feet down while, others held his arms and head down. The pastor Ray Hemphill, who led the exorsism pressed his knee into Terrence's chest, two hours later Terrence was dead.
Autism Speaks- Autism Speaks is an advocacy organization that claims to speak for autistic people yet is surronded by controvercy.
1.)No autistic people work for Autism Speaks and no board members are autistic.
2.)Autism Speaks had a short video made called Autism Speaks Everyday which portrayed autism has a horrid disease with no positive aspects. One of the mothers in the video said “but I remember that was a very scary moment for me when I realised I had sat in the car for about 15 minutes and actually contemplated putting Jodie in the car and driving off the George Washington bridge”.
3.)They activly and opnely support research into curing autism.
4.)Suzanne Wright a founder and current board member of Autism Speaks has said "We’re now playing catch-up as we try to stem the tide and ultimately eradicate autism for the sake of future generations. If we continue our current trajectory, we'll get there in my lifetime."
Stepehn B. Edelson- Stepehn was the director of the Edelson Center for Environmental and Preventive Medicine, he claimed his new therapy called Sonar Depuration could heal autisic brains with high-intensity sound waves. Stepehn has even gone on record saying “A classic example is you can take a six-year-old, remove half their brain, and within two years the child will be perfectly normal.”
Jenny McCarthy- Jenny is a woman who claims to have cured her son of autism because of a diet change. She often vilifies autism, along vaccines even though she has no medical degree in subjects such as Immunology, toxicology or virology.
J. B. Handley's Generation Rescue- Is a parent advocay group that hired Fenton Communication. Fenton made an ad that was put in the New York Times on June 8, 2005 which cost over $150,000 and bore a title in one inch high bold letters that said “MERCURY POISONING AND AUTISM: IT ISN'T A COINCIDENCE”. Under that there were quotes from several different promenent people.
1.)Senator John Kerry- “Mercury has been linked to autism.”
2.)Congressman Dan Burton- “Numerous scientist have testified and presented credible, peer-reviewd research studies that indicated a direct link between exposure to mercury and autism.”
3.)Congressman Dave Weldon: “Mercury is a nerotoxin. And, in the 1990s children, infants,and unborn children were exposed to significant ammounts of mercury at the most critical point of their development.”
4.)Senator Joe Lieberman: “I think parents have a just cause, and I don't care ho many respected institutions are on the other side. This is a fight worth fighting.”
On April 6, 2006 Generation Rescue hired Fenton to make another advertisment, this one was published in the USA Today and cost around $100,000. The advertisment read in bold print “IF YOU CAUSED A 6,000% INCREASE IN AUTISM WOULDN'T YOU TRY TO COVER IT UP, TOO?”
Under the ad was a quote from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. saying “It's time for the CDC to come clean with the American public.”
Mark and David- They not only proposed chelation therapy to rid autisic children of mercury they also proposed the use of a chemical castration drug called Lupron to shut down the synthesis of testosterone. They used Lupron on autistic children twice a day for week and said that it helped their autism. The reason they used Lupron was because they theorized that autism was a manifestation of an overly male brain, they justified chemically castration when they said “a significant clinical amelioration [improvement] in hyperactivity/impulsivity, aggression, self-injury, sever sexual behavior and irritability behaviors that frequently accompany autistic spectrum disorders.”Mark Geier went on to say on June 23, 2006 “if you look at [autistic] children, they have high testosterone, they masturbate at age six, they have mustaches, they're aggressive, and you can treat them by lowering their testorone aand removing the mercury.”
LONDON, UK: A team of doctors at one of Britain’s leading hospitals wants to create the country’s first “designer babies” free from autism.
They are preparing an application to the fertility watchdog that would allow them to screen out male embryos to reduce significantly the chance of a couple having an autistic child.
As boys are four times more likely to be born with autism than girls, couples with a family history of the condition want to ensure they have only girls. Such sex selection is not at present permitted.
The technique, called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), has been used to create babies free from life-threatening illnesses such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
However, screening embryos to prevent babies being born with autism would prove controversial because children born with the disorder can live long and healthy lives.
Critics claim the treatment would be a step closer to creating babies free from all imperfections.
The team at University College Hospital’s assisted conception unit in London decided to apply for a licence for the procedure after they were approached by a couple with a history of autism in the family.
Dr Joy Delhanty, professor of human genetics at University College London medical school, said couples would undergo the treatment only if autism had inflicted severe suffering on the family.
Couples requesting the procedure would need to go through a gruelling in-vitro fertilisation cycle, even though they had no difficulty conceiving naturally. The technique could be used only to prevent the hereditary form of autism, which affects about 10 per cent of cases. It is not known what causes autism in many children.
Dr Delhanty said: “Normally, we would not consider this unless there were at least two boys affected in the immediate family. We would be reducing the risk of autism. Couples are not going to undertake this lightly when we explain what they are going to need to go through.”
Two other families have previously approached the clinic requesting pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. In both cases, they are understood to have had two sons with autism and hoped to have a daughter free from the condition.
Dr Delhanty hopes that now that the rules have been relaxed to allow PGD screening for breast cancer, the authorities will also consider screening for autism. The team will research the pros and cons of the technique further before submitting an application to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.
The development would be strongly opposed by disabled groups. Simone Aspis, parliamentary and campaigns worker for the British Council of Disabled People, said: “Screening out autism would breed a fear that anyone who is different in any way will not be accepted. Screening for autism would create a society where only perfection is valued.”
There is no reliable genetic test for autism, but boys are more likely than girls to have the condition. Implanting only females would dramatically reduce the risk, but mean many perfectly healthy male embryos would be discarded.
Ethical campaigners said the move was yet another example of how the goalposts were being moved ever wider.
Josephine Quintavalle, of Comment on Reproductive Ethics, said: "It is not about taking an embryo and curing it, but about diagnosing and then throwing away."
Simone Aspis, of the British Council of Disabled People, warned: "Screening out autism would breed a fear that anyone who is different in any way will not be accepted. It would create a society where only perfection is valued."
Scientists at University College Hospital in London have applied to the watchdog Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority for permission for the screening.
Rates of autism have risen ten-fold in the last decade and half a million British families are now affected. Around ten per cent of cases are thought to be hereditary.
Dr Joy Delhanty of UCH said her team would create embryos using IVF and test them at a few days old to see if they were boys or girls. Only girls would be implanted into the mother.
Dr Delhanty said: "Normally, we would not consider this unless there were at least two boys affected in the immediate family."
She pointed out that many couples in such a situation would be fertile and might not want to go through gruelling IVF.
An HFEA spokesman said the authority had a duty to consider any new applications. But Quintavalle said: "The requirements are getting wider and wider and the science can be more and more hypothetical. This getting rid of male embryos is shoddy and shocking. We need to see more evidence on the genetic causes of autism."
In a second highly significant development, British scientists said they had found a totally new way to spot problem genes and ensure that only disease-free embryos are implanted.
The technique has already been used in several pregnancies. Three are for couples with particular genetic defects which trigger cystic fibrosis but are not covered by existing tests. Two are for couples who carry defects for the muscle-wasting disorder Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. One is in a woman with a rare genetic disorder which leads to pancreatic tumours.
The new screening technique, called Pre-implantation Genetic Haplotyping (PGH) was developed by Professor Peter Braude of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital in London. He will tell the annual conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Prague on June 19 that it represents a major step forward.
"It is more accurate, highly reliable and available for a whole range of disorders," said Professor Braude. "It opens the doors to all sorts of conditions."
Doctors can currently use a technique called Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) to test embryos for some inherited cancers and disorders such as Huntington's disease. But scientists must know the precise defect they are seeking and it can take up to a year to devise a test for each problem.
Professor Braude's method, which costs £4,100 a time, can cover many more genetic mutations and diseases. Ultimately it could even allow scientists to weed out thousands of genetic diseases.
The news was greeted with approval by Linda Ball, 37, whose son Daniel, five, has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Girls can carry the condition but only boys suffer its devastating effects.
Daniel already has problems with his legs and must wear splints at night. His parents must face the fact that he is unlikely to live beyond his teenage years.
Mrs Ball, from Daventry, Northamptonshire, knew the disease ran in her family because her brother, Vaun, died of it when he was 18. But when she became pregnant, she said, she could not bring herself to have an abortion, even though she knew she was having a son and there was a 25 per cent chance he would be affected.
Now she is delighted that the new test will give her baby daughter Helena "a real choice" when she too decides to become a mother.
Mrs Ball said: "Of course, there is debate about when a life becomes a life. But when you know Duchenne and that my little boy is going to have a lot of pain and suffering, it make things different."
For the test, scientists take blood samples from a couple and their affected child, or another relative, to work out where the problem gene lies. Using IVF, they create several embryos and remove a single cell from each when they are a few days old, to get the DNA. This is grown overnight in the laboratory which provides a much larger genetic sample. From this, the scientists can spot if the embryo is carrying the problem chromosome or a disease-free version. Only the healthy ones are then implanted.
The team next hope to offer PGH for disorders such as Fragile X syndrome, Myotonic Dystrophy and Prader-Willi syndrome.
But Josephine Quintavalle repeated her warning against further extensions of screening. She said: "I am horrified to think of these people sitting in judgment on these embryos and saying who should live and who should die."
She said huge strides had been made to prolong life expectancy for victims of cystic fibrosis and gene therapy was looking increasingly promising promising for tackling the condition.
(Sources: Sunday Times, June 18, 2006; Daily Mail, June 19, 2006) ... ws&id=5778
P.S. *Locks all the neoprene, PVC, leather, latex, in the entire world in space fault orbiting the moon*
Strapples if you don't read this article I won't ever open that door and let you in so read hun read ^_^
What's ''non-constructive'' is screaming ''GENOCIDE'' and ''HOLOCAUST'' at everything.
I'm afraid that you can't limit posts just to *gasp* people who agree with you!
Last edited by DeanFoley on 04 Jan 2009, 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
All humans fear what they do not understand that is acceptable, because if you don't know about something how can you be sure it is not going to hurt you. However when you learn about something find it is harmless yet still treat it as if it were dangerous then you have crossed the line from acceptable healthy fear that we should all have to exaggerated paranoia. Most people don't see it but conflicts are already starting because of of the paranoia of some NTs I think we will be in the middle of a long social conflict between our two sides for at least the next twenty years if we are lucky. We cannot just blame the NTs we have sat around doing nothing while the problem grows we are as much guilty as they are in terms of where our two people stand we must become active and seek a peaceful solution because genocide is an option for some and some people will use it against us if we don't do something.
DeanFoley you have the right to feel how you feel I can't change that nor do I have a right too nor do I have any desire too, but please don't drag negativity all over me I don't need it nor do I want it, would you like me to come drag negative stuff into your threads??? No you wouldn't so please show me the same respect you would like me to show you.
I don't really think you should be the one accusing people of exaggerated paranoia. This ''standoff'' or ''genocide'' you're describing is ridiculous.
Look, I don't care what you call it. If people are going to keep posting about fabricated genocides and wars and all these fanciful problems, I am going to keep disagreeing. You can't expect every post to be:
''Oh my god you are so right those NT's are going to try and kill us!''
I'm afraid that you can't limit posts just to *gasp* people who agree with you!
You are self-hating aspie. If you want to suck up to NT people that is fine, but don't try to hurt other aspies.
Clearly I am a self-hating NT suck up if I don't believe NT's are planning on a major holocaust against autistics.
What groundbreaking logic.
It's so pathetically paranoid. You act as if everyone is out to get you, like aspies are ''Freedom Fighters'' against a bunch of pre-programmed drones. It may surprise you to know that not all NT's are alike or as primitive as you believe, nor are all aspies perfect little super geniuses.
Last edited by DeanFoley on 04 Jan 2009, 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
On the contray it is very much on topic. You specifically mentioned how NT's were going to attempt genocide, in fact you said even more NT's wanted to attempt genocide than Nazi's in the holocaust.
You act as if all NT's are the same, as if everyone is out to get us.
It is laughable, simply untrue.
Joined: 2 Nov 2008
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Posts: 572
Location: United Kingdom, England, Berkshire, Reading
This crap that people are saying about Aspies and Autistics we even have our own families acting like so called friends even lying about us saying things like viol;ent body language etc. This of course is Aspiphobia and in my opinion there is no excuse for Aspiphobia as this is the reason why many Asperger syndrome people do not have many friends as such because there are no genuine people within his or her own geographical area. He or she has to go that extra mile or so in order to find someone genuine who is not an Aspiphobe. In Reading, Berkshire, England. Neurotypical people send their children out to hunt Asperger syndrome children and adults to call them paedophiles and other aspiphobic abuse even commit acts of violence against them and the aspie has no right of self defence as a neurotypical does. This is not the only area in which this happens. It does in other areas. This shows that is how primitive and uncivilised society really is to tolerate this level of Aspiphobia. Soon The most vulnerable will be forced to do compulsory community service which will be used to pimp out Aspies to Aspiphobes. This is a worry of mine as I have Asperger syndrome In Britain there are a good few Aspies who this should be worried about this especially if they like me has been given over 40 years or more of aspiphobia. I see this as serious as anti Semitism or racism and the prejudice is often in the most unintellignt people likely to read red top tabloid papers like the Sun, The Mirror, News of the World etc which often contains a lot of propaganda directed against certain social groups including autistic people. The hatred of Aspies in this town particularly against those who were born in the late 1960's has not abated a bit. The people here would be the first to cry out Sieg Heil (just like Nazis) if we were ever killed on an industrial scale I hope that does not happen. I now know there are a lot of people who would like to see us killed and a lot of foetuses killed for having an autistic gene.
As for Aspies having violent body language that is utter bollocks We do not have nuclear buttons to start a nuclear holocaust at any time. Aspies do not abuse children Neurotypicals do often especially if they are autistic and the neurotypical is covered for and his or her lies are taken as gospel truth. Not only that they even have excuses made for them. I personally found that neurotypical people are most inconsiderate and My skills are not valued and they never were as I was not. I have received Aspiphobia from neurotypicals all of my life and I had no refuge from this as a child. I have never received an apology just a lot of useless excuses. This is common
As for Aspies having violent body language that is utter bollocks We do not have nuclear buttons to start a nuclear holocaust at any time. Aspies do not abuse children Neurotypicals do often especially if they are autistic and the neurotypical is covered for and his or her lies are taken as gospel truth. Not only that they even have excuses made for them. I personally found that neurotypical people are most inconsiderate and My skills are not valued and they never were as I was not. I have received Aspiphobia from neurotypicals all of my life and I had no refuge from this as a child. I have never received an apology just a lot of useless excuses. This is common
And then we are expected to go around with a label around neck?
I really disagree with the vaccine causes autism hype. The vaccine myth is a device used by the curebies as an excuse to cure/eradicate us. If it's genetic, they have to deal with all the eugenics issues.
My aspie son showed symptoms of autism long before he was ever vaccinated, sicne I wiated until he was about 5. When he did get vaccinated, it had no effect on his AS. The symptoms neither decreased not increased. His younger borther, also aspie, was vaccinated right on target and actually seems to be doing better than the older, unvaccinated one was at the same age.
The reason that the vaccine hype is convincing is because nearly all American kids get vaccinated. However, there are children who are on the spectrum and have never been immunized. I think I did a poll to that effect here once...a long time ago.
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