*"Exercise Support Thread and Diary"*

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04 Apr 2008, 5:21 pm

ouinon wrote:
hartzofspace wrote:
ouinon wrote:
What's with the mitochondria? Sounds grim. I hope you can manage the swimming.
I have an autoimmune disorder, that makes me tire easily. I won't be swimming, though. This is an exercise class set up for people with arthritis, so they will go easy on me. :wink:

I had a friend once who suffered from increasing rheumatoid arthritis aswell as Crohns disease, and depression. It was a nightmare. It all started with M.E. And just got worse.

Is that anything like what you have? She also discovered that avoiding several foods, esp. oranges, choc, dairy, sugar, coffee, etc, really helped, but unfortunately she used to get fed up and give into another pizza etc. :(

Sometimes it would get better, apparently without reason. Confusing and distressing. :? :heart:


Well, what I have does present with Crohn's symptoms, but I haven't been diagnosed with it. I also have rheumatoid symptoms, inflammation, and now that spring is here, allergies. I had to skip class today, because I got exhausted after grocery shopping. I only have so much energy to begin with, and I can only do one thing a day, and then need a day or two to recover! It's very frustrating. Sometimes I feel like I'm living my life in slow motion, LOL. Congrats to everyone on a fine workout! :)

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner

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04 Apr 2008, 5:36 pm

hartzofspace wrote:
I had to skip class today, because I got exhausted after grocery shopping. I only have so much energy to begin with, and I can only do one thing a day, and then need a day or two to recover! It's very frustrating. Sometimes I feel like I'm living my life in slow motion, LOL. Congrats to everyone on a fine workout! :)

Thank you very much. :D
I hope that increasing sunshine/light, and warmth help you feel better. :flower:



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05 Apr 2008, 7:19 am

Thanks. Hope you have more energy soon.

I walked 2 hours today - much better walk on the beach and then by a lake.
My son walked with me - I've never seen him so exhausted :) We walked home from a play outing at a park, so he had already been running round for an hour before we walked home.
Also going to run with son's friends mother 3 times a week 8O

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05 Apr 2008, 4:09 pm

The lake and beach walk sounds lovely, katrine. Which sea and/or lake is that?
ref: running...ouch 8O good luck and have fun..... :? :wink:

So tomorrow morning i am slated to do another 30 minute walk. s..t. This feels really hard. But son is all for it, at best speed, more or less first thing. I am grimacing just thinking about it.


I fantasise doing the walk every day, twice a day, morning and evening, till it only takes 20 mins and have to add some on... just thought what could add and stilll be pleasant... and getting so fit again, and having vivid dreams because my body has so much more to say to me. And signing up for a martial art in the autumn, and getting so into my body.

but got to get out of the house tomorrow morning. Further grimaces. Nose wrinklings, mouth writhings and so on. :? :(

Has anyone else ever noticed that when they exercise more again, after a break/hibernation, that their dreams change? I did on a couple of occasions. It really did feel as if my body was talking to me about itself. :D

PS: something happened to the emoticons? and quote boxes?



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05 Apr 2008, 7:06 pm

good thread idea, guys/girls!
sometimes, its easier doing exercise with a partner, so you cant chicken out of your plan as easily - but at least i dont want to have someone around all the time when i train, so posting results on a thread may be a great solution. :)

as for myself: today was endurance day, which means kettlebell swings. lots of them. im totally smoked and the burn in my glutes... fabolous. O_o


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06 Apr 2008, 3:16 am

The sea was the Sound between Denmark and Sweden.
I got it wrong by saying lake - really I meant a kind of channel/stream - very very pretty.
My son has blisters cause his feet got wet :(

The running 8O I agreeed to 3 times a week for 12 weeks 8O Starting slow. My friend assures me I'll be fine.....

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06 Apr 2008, 4:36 am

gekitsu wrote:
good thread idea, guys/girls! sometimes it's easier doing exercise with a partner, so you can't chicken out of your plan as easily - but i dont want to have someone around all the time when i train, so posting results on a thread may be a great solution. :) as for myself: today was endurance day, which means kettlebell swings. lots of them. im totally smoked and the burn in my glutes... fabolous. O_o

That sounds fun :D ..what is it? :?: kettlebell swings ...beautiful name whatever it is. :)
Yep, about not chickening out. That's exactly the idea. Aswell as support and encouragement and aspie style comradeship about doing it; that is with lots of info, lists, detail, honesty, etc :D :wink:

I'm the same about not wanting company; in the past this has excluded me from some supportive set ups for exercise. Doing it with my son is different; it's just like an extension of being at home. But I far too quickly felt invaded by or competed with, or interrupted/constrained by anyone else when exercising.
katrine wrote:
The sea was the sound between Denmark and Sweden

That sounds wonderful. I would love to be able to walk by the sea. Did for 6 months live right next to Mediterranean, and walked a few times, was good. And twice lived next to the Atlantic in Cornwall, UK, which was immense beautiful glorious. But after a couple of amazing walks didn't do much exercise there.
My son has blisters cause his feet got wet
:( :cry: Ow. That is painful. Three hours definitely too long when shoes hurting. Hope is better soon.

Good luck with the running. I can't run because my knees are weak; "high impact" does them in. :(

Am feeling v grateful for all your posts on here because this is really difficult. For instance this morning; haven't managed to get out yet. Woke up late and groggy, and grumpy. ( ate smidge of dairy by accident on friday, and then exacerbated the situation with a sugary coffee, and sugary sweets/marzipan, so feel like s**t today) Not in the mood. So coming on here and reading your posts is wonderful. I'm almost ready to get onto it now. :) :? 8)

Hartzofspace, was wondering if you do yoga or tai chi because they're gentle but still exercising? :) :?:

Anyway, thanks all, am off now, going to walk in next hour or so. :?

Good luck and courage :)


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06 Apr 2008, 6:18 am

I did it I did it I did it!! ! :D :D :D

Half an hour as agreed to with myself. Got heart etc pumping, breathing, etc. Less drastic knives in chest this time. No mist before eyes. But still panting on the uphill, no energy to talk, achey, etc. The last downhill stretch at speed is good though.

Came back home in serious sweat. Collapsed in big chair. Steaming.

Fabshelly, just remembered you said part two weights was today/yesterday. How did that go?

Thanks everybody. :) Next walk scheduled for Tuesday. :? :( .....determined face



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06 Apr 2008, 6:35 am

a kettlebell is a tool that looks like a cannonball with a handle, made of cast iron. google sure finds some images.
for kb swings, you stand, feet about shoulder width apart, and swing the kettlebell from between your legs (like a football hike pass) up forward to your chest level. key is not to pull with the back but drive the hips forward while keeping the belly braced and the back in a straight position.
the exercise looks feeble, but after a time, becomes insanely intense.

today will feature turkish get-ups: lying on the back, kettlebell pressed upwards, arm locked out. then standing up, while keeping the kettlebell locked out above at all times, then getting back down and so on.


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06 Apr 2008, 6:45 am

Great Ouinon! That's the way to do it!
Look forward to hearing from you Tuesday.
I'll try walk tomorrow - first run on Wednesday.
BTW she'd asked me before - I always said no before..... Now I have the courage... the thread helped, too.

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06 Apr 2008, 11:21 am

Thank you for kettlebell info, Gekitsu. It sounds fun. May investigate, cos I need an arm/torso exercise.

katrine wrote:
Great Ouinon! That's the way to do it! Look forward to hearing from you Tuesday.
Thank you very much. :D
I'll try walk tomorrow - first run on Wednesday.
BTW she'd asked me before - I always said no before..... Now I have the courage... the thread helped, too.
Good luck and courage. I hope you get good weather for it. They're predicting another cold snap /snowstorms etc here for next week. I'm glad thread is helping. It def is me. :D



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07 Apr 2008, 3:53 am

you can try some of the exercises (pressing ones, such as the get-up usually work better) witha dumbbell. the ballistic movements like swings etcetera dont work that well that way.

if you are looking for a back/shoulder exercise, those may be more along the lines of what you're looking for anyway. :)

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08 Apr 2008, 3:03 am

Tuesday morning. I discover that there is a valid get out clause; it's raining. I'm not going out.

Feel relief. Got less to do/think about/organise as a result. Less conflict. There is now a chance that I will manage to cook the duck pieces before they go off ( bought saturday) and in time for my son's papa to eat before he leaves for his 3 and a bit days of client visits.

I wish that he'd recover his rhythm/routine. He used to, for more than 6 years, always, always, leave very early Tuesday morning and return Friday evening. This was as fixed as the sun rising, and i learned never to ask that he alter it, for any reason. But in the last 18 months this has disintegrated until from one week to the next I don't know how many days he'll be away if any, nor which ones, etc.

The last couple of weeks, after an immense explosion on my part, he has been making a small effort to return to the old routine, which he used to insist was essential, ( "sacred rule no 1" in our household, never allowing him to be home for special needs, occasions etc) , and yet which he has abandoned as if it was of no importance at all in the last 18 months.

His snoring , from the partitioned alcove next to mine, woke me up in night too. Wish he'd just disappear sometimes, leaving us the house.

Anyway, no exercise.



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08 Apr 2008, 3:20 am

Buy rain clothes!! !! !
I mean it! I live in Denmark. If I didn't go out when it rained, I'd NEVER get out. :lol:
Go for a good walk and your worries will diminish... promise!

BTW: my husbands routine changed a year ago. It really sucks...... I'm still not used to it.

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08 Apr 2008, 4:57 am

katrine wrote:
Buy rain clothes!
I already got rain clothes. But it is so infrequently wet here that almost never need them. And I hate walking in them. Hate swishing along, hate legs getting damp, hate not being able to see properly past hood, or having to hold an umbrella while walking at aerobic speed.
Go for a good walk and [i]your worries will diminish... promise!
That is possible. But I still don't like walking at anything other than stroll speed in the rain.
BTW: my husbands routine changed a year ago. It really sucks...... I'm still not used to it.
I probably could have handled a change of routine, especially if it had come with an explanation and advance warning, but the problem is that there is no new routine.

There is no routine. There is nothing that I can get used to. He has become like "rain", unpredictable and almost always unwelcome. Worse than rain because he comes inside the house. He has become like uncontrollable noise from neighbours. :? :x :(

The rain has got worse. Thanks for supportive post. But am not going out in it. Tomorrow, if nice weather, and if haven't decided that trying to avoid self-harm on all fronts is actually counter-productive in terms of my mental health. :? :D :wink:



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08 Apr 2008, 6:41 am

Do some yoga at home, then!
I'm going to.... hope I don't get stuck.... 8O

My hubbie went unpredictable, too, and it drives me up the wall. I loved it when I knew when he would be at work, at when he would be at home, like clockwork. Now his hours are all over the place and he has no idea of what his day will be like tomorrow. Bloody awfull.