*"Exercise Support Thread and Diary"*

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08 Apr 2008, 7:27 am

katrine wrote:
Do some yoga at home, then!
I'm going to.... hope I don't get stuck.... 8O

My hubbie went unpredictable, too, and it drives me up the wall. I loved it when I knew when he would be at work, at when he would be at home, like clockwork. Now his hours are all over the place and he has no idea of what his day will be like tomorrow. Bloody awfull.
Oh wow, you really know what I mean then. :D It's a nightmare. :(

It took me a while to realise what was wrong. :doh: When I did, I realised I was not only disturbed but angry because he had so insisted on total respect for the previous inflexibility, as if was a physical constant. :x

Hope you don't get stuck too! :lol: I'm on for tomorrow.

I had already thought last evening that perhaps to plan to go out every morning unless is wet would probably be a good idea. So, although am exploring what my apparent need for some sort of self-harm mechanism in my life is about, am still on board.

Thanks for posts. A very important part of staying with this. 8O

Bravo for doing the yoga. :)


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08 Apr 2008, 2:50 pm

Most of the studies/papers etc on the net about "The Psychology of Exercise", :wink: :roll: , of which I discover there are literally hundreds...

1) indicate a 50% drop out rate on gym run exercise programs, which is nevertheless more than twice the success rate of smoking cessation programmes, even at their best.
2) recommend that plan exercise in blocks of four weeks at a time, with varied activities, and support from (a) training partner(s).
3) suggest that set long term goals aswell, with carrots and not just sticks. ( ie: fitness enough for ..., rather than to avoid diabetes or osteoporosis for example!)

So am resolved on a 30 min fast walk every day that weather is nice, ( which round here is at least 5 per week on average!) for the next 4 weeks, with a second slightly longer ( 45 mins) walk to replace the other once a week. I am having trouble "getting" a handle on carrots rather than sticks though.

I think this is as hard, or harder, than giving up smoking. :? 8O So am hugely grateful to all input to this thread etc. Thanks.

Good luck tomorrow with the first run, katrine. :) How did the yoga go?


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09 Apr 2008, 4:23 am

Wednesday, 11.17 am, have completed another walk. Steaming once more.

Was not the most glorious of days; grey damp and windy, though was refreshing feeling the wind on the heights where the view is good, odd to see a grey landscape, made a change, and half way round it started raining, but just spatters so not catastrophic.

My son was having fun with the third instalment of his invasion of earth by aliens, dinosaurs and robots, which he was spying out at every turn in the road. Some spectacular combat was engaged in. :) :wink:

How was the first run, katrine? Hope you had good weather for it.

This thread is so helping me do this. :D Oh yes, I thought of an "addiction" to make up for exercise; chewing gum, exactly like when stopped smoking the last time. All that aspartame. Terrible stuff!! :wink: :lol:


Last edited by ouinon on 09 Apr 2008, 6:18 am, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Apr 2008, 5:29 am

ouinon: bravo! :)

also, good point about setting long-term goals. indeed, thats an issue i see a lot on any level of fitness afficionado: reevaluating of "why the hell am i doing this anyway?" you get that from any everyday gym-goer up to competitive powerlifters and the like...

another thing that pops up almost everywhere: variety is the spice of live (read: exercise). not only does a healthy dose of variety heighten training efficiency (of course, not like changing your protocol every two days, but one shouldnt adhere to one unchanged protocol for much more than six weeks) but also is something new every once in a while a good way to keep the whole affair from becoming too stale and boring.
i have read, for example, a simple system that was geared towards rather strength-focussed athletes, to make their cardio more fun: map out six different ways of exercise: they had exercises like normal jogging, pulling a weighted sled, skipping rope, doing burpees, doing sprint intervals... and then roll dice for what exercise you're going to do. (for them, cardio is only one part of training - when all you do is walking/jogging, you still can set one or two variety days per week and randomize what you're doing on these days while keeping your straight protocol for the rest)

you can be pretty creative on things like that... randomize your route, the time/tempo you will walk the route in, randomize whether youll take a backpack full of books with you... you can custom-taylor this kind of thing to your fitness level and your needs. just dont make the random elements outweigh the plan elements too much, but then, im talking to a fellow aspie, here ;)

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09 Apr 2008, 10:25 am

gekitsu wrote:
ouinon: bravo! :)

Thank you. :D

Variety...not only does a healthy dose of variety heighten training efficiency but something new every once in a while a good way to keep the whole affair from becoming too stale and boring.... when all you do is walking/jogging, you still can set one or two variety days per week and randomize what you're doing on these days, ( while keeping your straight protocol for the rest ), like route, the time/tempo you will walk the route in, taking a backpack full of books with you...

Thank you for all the suggestions.

I will need to be very careful about variety because I start feeling "unsteady" if something isn't fairly predictable; it seems to swell in size and effort required etc. To begin with at least I will be somewhat robotic! :wink: But your list gave me some good ideas to introduce as get in the swing.

It sounds as if you have a pretty good rhythm going . That's great.

I haven't managed to identify anything longterm yet. In fact longterm usually does my head in...... except that it has been very useful/motivating to know about gluten-free diets becoming increasingly effective after 26 weeks, according to studies, so ... although am going to keep to 4 week chunks for a while I will keep "eyes" open for some kind of meaningful/important longterm aim.

Thanks again. :)

Katrine; how are you? :) I really appreciate the time you put in to posting on here yesterday when i was down about it all. I hope you post again. It's so helpful to hear from others. :D



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09 Apr 2008, 10:35 am

hi all im glad someone has set up a thread like this one

well done to everyone who has already begun there training

im hoping to do a weekend at the gym with a round of weights tommorow

id love to go running to but have now where to run so im having to do with a tread mill

hope you are all well

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09 Apr 2008, 10:43 am

crimebabe wrote:
hi all im glad someone has set up a thread like this one. Well done to everyone who has already begun there training.
Thank you very much and hi too to you. :) :D
im hoping to do a weekend at the gym with a round of weights tommorow. id love to go running to but have now where to run so im having to do with a tread mill
hope you are all well
That sounds brilliant. Good luck tomorrow. Post how you do. Treadmill is good if no nice place to walk. I wouldn't mind that, ( at all !), with music etc. :)

Oh yes, better state here that I plan to walk again tomorrow, ( so long as is not actually raining anyway!).



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09 Apr 2008, 4:06 pm

I DID IT :lol:
First run went fine.

Could only skim the thread .... hubbie needs the computer, mine's being repared... I miss it!

I'm glad you walked today Ouinon....
Hope I can get to the computer tomorrow..

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09 Apr 2008, 5:56 pm

katrine wrote:
I DID IT :lol: First run went fine.
Great! Congratulations. :D :D :D
I'm glad you walked today Ouinon....
Yeah, me too. This thread is essential. Without it the thought would have turned into a miserable thought and no activity as so often in the past.

Thanks, and heaps of determination and courage and strength to everybody. And please carrry on posting achievements, failures, grumps and groans, steps taken, etc. :D

PS/ Hope u get pc back soon. It's like having a mental limb chopped off.


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10 Apr 2008, 5:04 am

Yessss! Yess Yes!! :D

Did it again. Super fast steaming 30 minutes walk with son. :D

How about other people? :heart:



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10 Apr 2008, 7:06 am

wow well done ouinon keep up the good work

i did a mild work out yesterday on my legs, 20 sets of leg presses at 45kg
was too tired from college to do any more

going back to the gym tonite though

well done everyone else who is keeping to their excersisng


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10 Apr 2008, 10:17 am

crimebabe wrote:
wow well done ouinon
Thank you! :D
i did a mild work out yesterday on my legs, 20 sets of leg presses at 45kg......going back to the gym tonight.
:thumleft: :bounce: :thumleft:

I'm going to walk again tomorrow, Friday. :)



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10 Apr 2008, 11:31 am

Great Ouinon and crimebabe!! This thread is brilliant!

I'm not doing anything today - apart from sit ups.
I ache from yesterday - not the run, the excercizes I did afterwards!! !

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10 Apr 2008, 5:57 pm

katrine wrote:
I ache from yesterday - not the run, the exercises I did afterwards!! !
Ouch. Exercises aswell... ... 8O Wow! Congrats. ( eek! )



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11 Apr 2008, 5:26 am

well done katrine :D that must have been tiring 8O

and good luck wid your walk today ouinon :)

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11 Apr 2008, 9:18 am

crimebabe wrote:
...good luck wid your walk today ouinon :)
Didn't do it :( ; it has been pissing down, sorry , chucking it down all day. It started with a superb thunderstorm :D which went on for ages, and hasn't stopped raining since!! 8O

So roll on tomorrow. :)
