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09 Oct 2008, 1:05 pm

If you are worried about losing weight you don't want to drink any juices as they are made from fruit, and its well established that obese people who eat fruit will have significant difficulty losing weight

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09 Oct 2008, 1:31 pm

Triangular_Trees wrote:
......its well established that obese people who eat fruit will have significant difficulty losing weight

Where did you get your info?


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09 Oct 2008, 1:37 pm

its one of the things I came across numerous times when i was trying to figure out the link between my consumption of fruit and health problems (now known to be the sugar in the fruit lowering my seizure threshold)

Eating fruit will not make you fat, but it will make it difficult for you to loose weight.

Drinking fruit juice will significantly (from a scientifical viewpoint) increase your weight gain - though thats more believed to be other ingredients that are found in all store bought fruit juices. Not sure on the view of squeeze your own

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09 Oct 2008, 7:44 pm

So eating an apple or drinking some juice during the day kills a fat-loss diet? I'm sorry but I just don't buy that. Its an extreme view and not supported by scientific data, unless I'm missing something.

There have been a multitude of studies done, however, that prove fruit juice intake doesn't contribute to obesity, and in fact is good for diets because its a better source to get some of your carbs during the day for those with a "sweet tooth". There have been a mulititude of studies done on this subject. Here's a quote from an article dealing with childhood obesity and fruit juices;

The article, authored by Carol E. O'Neil, PhD, MPH, LDN, RD, Louisiana State University, and Theresa A. Nicklas, DrPH, USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, examined 21 studies about a relationship between consumption of 100% fruit juice by children and adolescents and weight, and found "there is no systematic association between consumption of 100% fruit juice and overweight in children or adolescents."

"Health professionals and policy makers should be encouraged to objectively review the literature on all beverages and encourage consumption of healthful beverages including water, milk, and 100% fruit juice," according to the authors. "The data support the consumption of 100% fruit juice in moderate amounts, and this may be an important strategy to help children meet the current recommendations for fruit."

"The rising epidemic of overweight and obese children should be a cause for great concern amongst healthcare professionals and the public at large," said James M. Rippe, M.D., cardiologist and Editor in Chief of AJLM. "The findings that the consumption of 100% juice by children and adolescents is not associated with overweight is very important since 100% fruit juices are nutrient dense and their consumption represents an excellent way to help children meet the dietary guidelines for Americans. The article by O'Neil and Nicklas clears up misconceptions that many healthcare professionals and parents may have about this issue."

Full article can be found here;

I used to drink fruit juice before a workout because I wanted an insuline spike (which is very "anabolic") during weight lifting. I found out this is nowhere near as effective as drinking something containing pure sucrose (sugar) or HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup).

BTW - Contrary to the big fearful myth that HFCS is really bad for you and different than regular sugar, studies show this ALSO is not the case.


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10 Oct 2008, 1:57 am

is coke zero just diet coke with different name?


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10 Oct 2008, 5:23 am

It's Diet Coke with no calories.

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12 Oct 2008, 8:08 pm

Diet Coke makes a version, using Splenda, rather than aspartame.
I'm not a big fan of fake sugar, but when I'm craving carbonated syrup, this is the one I go for.
For a healthier alternative (and a lil fizz), there's Perrier, with lemon.

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13 Oct 2008, 5:47 am

Coke Zero is calorie free just like Diet Coke, except that it has a different taste. It is made to taste more like normal Coke.


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01 Dec 2008, 3:30 pm

Get more "sky juice" (slang in my country for water), better than artificially-sweetened-and-coloured junk anyday...


:? Why do Westerners in general seem to LOVE artificial sweeteners? My UK and US friends wouldn't touch a teaspoon of sugar, but can happily dump 3-4 packets of man-made chemicals into their tea... 8O

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05 Mar 2009, 5:31 am

Coke Zero tastes like s**t.
I prefer pepsi max.


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08 Mar 2009, 6:01 pm

Yeah - H20 is always 1st choice! Often humans will not 'feel' thirst, or forget the need, and mild dehydration is quite common.

About Coke O? I like the occasional diet soft drink but water is always best. Sugary soft drinks are empty calories and even fruit juice has lots of calories...and sugar. Apparently asparatame can induce hunger (for some individuals) since it 'tricks' your metabolic system - aspartame may be safe but moderation is always in order.

High-fructose corn syrup is NOT good - instead whole fruits.

I guess if H20 isn't as palatable you could add a dash of reconstituted lemon or lime, mint leaf, or an herbal tea bag. Do you like seltzer water (sans the sodium)? I like water, & lots of ice!

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09 Mar 2009, 6:58 pm

It's really easy.

Drink water.


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09 Mar 2009, 9:11 pm

Lode wrote:
It's really easy.

Drink water.

Precisely. And, confession: Lab Pet drinks Milliquant directly from the laboratory tap .....aka: Laboratory Holy Water.
UV radiated plus RO treated - truly H20. Unadultered water. I've developed a taste for Milliquant too.

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11 Mar 2009, 11:40 am

I drink it and I've been vomiting for the last 3 months.

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30 Mar 2009, 2:40 pm

I just want to say that Aspartame gave me intestinal pain; like a shocking kind of pain that might last a minute or so.

I figured this out because my father only has diet soda since he's become obsessed with losing his belly fat and so that's what I drank. But EVERYTIME I drank it a couple hours later I would get this awful pain. And this happened on all four occasions of drinking this stuff. So you can believe that this stuff isn't bad for you and all that, but I'm not drinking anything with chemical sugar substitute again. That was kind of scary when I realized it was the Diet Coke.

So I bought regular Coke. The pain never came back. Now they buy some regular Coke for me.

Of course, maybe there is something else in Diet Coke that doesn't agree with my digestive system, but I'd rather just avoid Diet drinks than attempt to determine that.


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25 Mar 2012, 5:50 pm

LeKiwi wrote:
It does have aspartame, which is probably the single worst additive known to man. The story of how it was approved reads like a horror novel, and with its FDA-acknowledged 92 known side-effects including cancer, stroke, heart failure, death, gradual organ failure etc etc it's pretty horrendous stuff.

In short, if you're going to drink coke, drink the real stuff with sugar in it. Sugar is bad, yes, but it's far better for you than aspartame or any other artificial sweeteners.

I think Coke are actually bringing out a coke sweetened with Stevia though soon, which is another natural sweetener (made from the pressed leaves of the South American Stevia plant) that has no side effects, no calories, is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, and in some studies is shown to have a positive effect on blood sugar levels as well. So keep an eye out for that.

Whoa, really?
That'll be interesting.
I'm not a fan of carbonated stuff, but it will be interesting to see something like that- a Coke product made with more natural sweeteners.

I down a bag of the artificial stuff a day.

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