I'm a little under 5'3" and 150 pounds. I realize some women are perfectly happy and healthy at 150 pounds, even at my height, but my body just isn't designed for this much weight. I am constantly aware of my heaviness, and always feel like I'm lugging around a huge burden. I hate exercising, because it's physically uncomfortable for me. I try to keep up a walking routine, but it's hard. I've figured out that, with a daily walk, I need 1800 calories a day to maintain my weight. If I eat more than that, I gain. It's really hard to fit a nutritious diet in that few calories.
My mom has the same problem. She's 71 years old, and obese. She gains weight if she eats more than 1600 calorie a day, and she can't exercise because of her arthritis. Even walking is painful for her. She eats real healthy, and almost no junk food at all. Still, she's not able to lose weight, because it's just too hard to eat that little for very long. You can't eat anything unplanned, or eat a slice of cheese while you're making dinner, or anything.
People think being overweight means you're lazy or a glutton. That's easy to say if you are the kind of person who can eat whatever you want and not gain weight, or if you lose weight easily. (Like if you are 19. Wait until you are 50.)
For some inspiration, though:
Six years ago, I noticed this lady walking around on the footpaths that wind through my neighborhood. She was what I'd call "morbidly obese", and was wearing one of those tent-like garments. I'd guess she's in her 50's. I remember my autistic kid being scared of her, because she was kind of funny looking. I began to notice that she was out there every day. Well, I still see her out walking on a regular basis. Only now, she's not morbidly obese. She doesn't look like a Victoria's Secret model, but she does look like she's at a healthy weight for someone her age and height. Every time I see her, I think, "Wow!"