richie wrote:
And just who are "The Men Behind The Curtains"? Does any anyone care that one of those
men behind the curtain -Alexander Haig has just died?
let's see...
the folks manipulating the tea partiers behind the scenes
the curious case of the bushes and the clintons working together
the fed and wall street
the world bank
the illuminati
ugly rumors about the haiti earthquake
the goings-on at conference in davos, switzerland
the list goes on and on...
btw, i liked haig, he was an interesting guy, with the heart of a song and dance man and the brains of a shyster. he was a ham. so what if he jumped the gun and said "i am in control here!" he was only human.
when i was in the army, i knew GIs who had served under him. a very off-to-the-side anecdotal story about him, was some GIs were looking at a pic of him that somebody had posted on the company bulletin board, next to a protocol warning to the GIs about maintaining short military haircuts- with a circle drawn around his hair which was well-over his collar [a no-no in the american army] and the scribbled-in comment, "LOOK AT THAT HAIR!! !" and there was another circle drawn around his shoulder boards [4-star rank] with the caption, "look at that rank!"