Despite the bullying I loved soccer and basketball. My eye sight is awful so these were the only sports with a big enough ball that I wasn't an epic fail at it. When I finally got contacts I got really into floor hockey and that was the only team sport that I didn't get bullied in. I think it was because it wasn't an all girls sport though, I've always got on better with guys. Martial arts are always great if your really not into the whole team thing, and maybe swimming since even though its a team the sport itself is very much up to the individual. Honestly when it comes to the teams sports I think the coach has a lot more to do with the bullying or lack there of. If the coach ignores it, incourages it or participates and aspie is just sunk there.
Joined: 21 Feb 2010 Age: 59 Gender: Male Posts: 1,475 Location: Los Angeles
07 Mar 2010, 4:50 pm
If you looked at me, I'm not what anyone would think of as athletic, but I love cycling. I can do it alone, at my own speed, it gives me a chance to explore a bit if I want to try a new route or I can do my usual route and feel comfortable knowing how long it will take and what I'm likely to encounter on the ride.
When I started about 6 years ago, I bought a bike and rode about 5 miles on the first day. I was wiped out and had to lay in bed for the rest of the day. Over then next few months, I slowly increased my distance and quickly reached a point where my normal route was 20 miles. I've been doing it so much that now 20 miles is about the shortest ride I ever do.
I avoid riding with groups and usually I get annoyed if other cyclists try to talk to me on the ride. Cyclists seem to be fairly competitive and I have frequently been told why I'm not riding the right kind of bike or why I should wear different clothes etc. I nod my head politely and continue on at the pace I am comfortable with.
Anyway I find the aerobic exercise of cycling really improves my mood. (It can be important to keep an energy bar or glucose pack with you so you don't become exhausted as this sort of defeats the whole purpose)
Sometimes I get in a state where I worry that I'm going to get hit by a bus (not an unrealistic fear in downtown L.A.) and so I avoid going out. This can be a problem so it's good to know if there are bike paths nearby or know what routes are fairly safe.