sepia wrote:
hartzofspace wrote:
I took ballet lessons when in my early twenties, and for a short time, developed an extraordinary sense of balance. I could run on ice and not fall, and balance on very narrow edges. When I got out of the habit, I became my normal, clumsy self again.
i know exactly what you mean about the extraordinary sense of balance. i find that i can quite nimbly weave my way to the exit of moving buses and trains just in the 30 seconds or so before my stop. which kind of compensates for me not wanting to have to ask people to move, & never realising it is my stop til the last minute.
wish i could dance, but i have poor sense of rythmn and timing. what made you give up ballet?
I got into other stuff, and than realized that I really missed ballet. Now I am older and not so nimble, so I'm trying Tai Chi.
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner