1000Knives wrote:
Well for me, I started like the whole "exercise" thing by ice skating, then started to go to the gym just to train specifically for ice skating, then I started wanting to learn other stuff and get more strong at other stuff. So for me, it's like, sport specific training. That was the only way I managed to keep myself motivated for exercising, I couldn't just be like, motivated by looks alone. I had to find sports I liked, and exercise for them. So yeah, not into exercising for the sake of exercise alone, more or less.
I'm not either. I hate it.
If I could sit on my behind and eat all day and not weigh half a ton, I would.
Now's the first time in my life that I haven't felt hideous, and I'm trying to find a way where I can eat more (and by "more", I mean "at all") and not gain weight. So far, my options are pretty limited to walking miles from home in the cold, or doing workout DVD's in my basement, which have never done much for me.
1000Knives wrote:
And as far as the other people in the gym, well, I'm not their problem, and they're not mine. I put in headphones with anime music, and just do whatever I want. It's a gym, it's a place to become healthier, it's not anything else, and it's not a meat market where I'm there to impress chicks or whatever.
I think that's the environment FitnessPlanet tries to create, actually- one of non-intimidation.
When I was at the Y, I felt really awkward, and people there weren't very friendly, except for one class instructor who verbally harassed me in front of everyone. I never went into the room with the machines at all, because the door was at the front where you had to walk past everyone to enter, I didn't know how any of the machines worked, and everyone in there looked like a Calvin Klein model. Maybe FP will turn out to be the same way? At least I won't be charged triple the amount for it.
"Such is the Frailty
of the human Heart, that very few Men, who have no Property, have any Judgment of their own.
They talk and vote as they are directed by Some Man of Property, who has attached their Minds
to his Interest."