So I'm at work, where I'm a researcher, so naturally, I spend a lot of time looking at the computer screen. However, when I look away from the computer screen, all of a sudden, I see a bunch of big black dots in my peripheral vision against the white walls. The dots moved, but tended to dart toward the center of my field of vision, fading as they did so. They went away after a minute. Now, about a half hour later, I have a very mild headache on the right hand side of my head and a small bit of an ache at the joint where my head meets my neck and a slightly uncertain stomach. Also a bit of pressure in my right eye (not an uncommon occurence for me in combination with mild to moderate headaches). I'm not certain if I get migraines or not - some have suggested it to me before when I complained of headaches accompanied by mild nausea (a decently regular occurrence, since I'm a relatively anxious individual who has an easily upset stomach). Two questions.
1. Were those likely floaters, or a visual aura of some kind?
2. Should I run to the emergency room, or just give myself a chance to off the migraine?