This is my aspie ready weight-loss, energie, feel-good start of the day:
1) Alarm clock -> 250mg caffeine in capsule form -> Snooze on alarm clock -> on next snooze:
2) Goto toilet, get your weight (Either stimulates you through weight loss or weight gain, ofcourse subjective but still)
3) Make a drink of Acetyl-L-Carnitine (promotes fat metabolism) with 10gr of mixed-amino acid (prevents muscle tear down)
4) Prepare yourself & the excercise bike & computer/tv (allows for time to get the drink to be digested)
5) While cycling watch your Favorite series that you just Want to watch! Select either 2x 20min series or 1x 40min serie.
6) After 40 min of cycling, prepare a shake of 30gr proteine 40gr quick carbs (dextro sugars) 5gr creatine combined with milk to prevent muscle teardown and provide you with the energy needed to start your day even stronger!
7) take a shower, shave and dress up.
That's exactly my checklist for each morning. After doing it for more than 2 months now nearly every day, it's doesn't require any effort strangely enough.