On weekends or non-work days, and sometimes on very busy work days, I forget to eat. I know this is bad and it affects my job (biannual fitness assessments), but it either doesn't occur to me to eat, or it just feels like a chore. I saw a nutritionist and got a one week plan listing every meal. That has helped me to actually go shopping and have the right foods on hand. If it is during the work week, I will pack the cooler with all the food I am supposed to eat that day and then try to remind myself throughout the day I have to eat everything in it. But, I find this to be a chore many days and when there is no cooler (weekends, non-workdays) it is even harder.
Anyone have some advice? I workout regularly, so that helps some - I get hungry after the workout, but that doesn't cover the whole day and I am not making my Basal Metabolic Rate caloric minimums on most days. This has been becoming a bigger issue as I get older.
I have to crack this code, or my job will be in jeopardy. I have squeaked by on my last two Fitness Assessments, but if I don't improve my performance this will be a problem in November.