Closet Genious wrote:
I personally hate eating low carb.
Me too and it's not healthy.
Every person I know with ASCs is overweight or obese. Granted, that's not many people and none of them are on WP...
I've been wondering, actually, if there is anything to this 'Ego Depletion' theory, which could also apply to Aspies. I often find the levels of self-control required to behave as I want around food and exercise after a day of exercising already huge amounts of self-control in order to behave as society would have me behave, are too high for me to excel at maintaining an optimum level of health.
I eat more crappy food than probably any person I know, but I don't put much weight on and I lose what I gain very quickly because I'm very nervy and ADD, hardly sitting still. Jobs that require me to sit and focus for long periods really annoy and depress me.
I was always skinny as a kid, and unpopular. The popular kids I knew were all fat and funny. Now I'm fat and funny (or funnier) and I'm surprisingly at ease with it. I have no problem being called fat. Plus, every time I lose weight, I get lots of unwanted attention. I don't believe in diets because yo-yo dieting is the reason I'm fat today. But I'm not losing weight again until I can also command some good muscle and the ability to defend myself against unwanted advances by a-holes. (Sorry for the language).
Having said all this, I love being fit. I don't believe you need to be skinny to be fit and strong.
"There once was a little molecule who dreamed of being part of the crest of a great wave..."
(From the story 'The Little Molecule' - Amazon Kindle, 2013)