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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Feb 2017, 11:30 pm

Recently I have been very depressed. This has become very evident by my noticeable increase in appetite and consumption of food. Will this wear off eventually, or do I need to be very aggressive with preventing this from becoming a bad habit that sticks?


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13 Feb 2017, 9:40 am

It should drop back to normal levels when your mood clears up.
However, instead of waiting for it, it is still a good idea to watch what you eat. This can also prevent a negative spiral where you eat becouse you are sad that you ate too much


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13 Mar 2017, 10:53 pm

It depends on the reason why you are depressed. If you are clinically depressed, then maybe you want to look into a psychiatrist, psychologist, and/or support groups. If you are depressed as in sad, in response to something that happened, that was a one time event, it sounds (to me) like the eating will level off.

In any event, the context matters too. For example, it matters how old you are, whether you are still growing, what you are eating, your percentage body fat.

How much of a problem, or whether it is a problem, depends on factors from the second paragraph.

Or adjust your diet. Maybe address both the eating and the depression.


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14 Mar 2017, 12:00 am

If you're eating a lot because you're depressed, then you should get to the bottom of the issue. If you're clinically depressed and not just having a bad day, then you need to see a doctor. Once your depression has been sorted out, the eating symptoms may wear off. But while you're feeling depressed, just try and not overeat. Remember, weight gain is caused by consuming too many calories and being overweight can just make you feel worse and add to your problems.


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25 Jul 2017, 9:17 pm

CompletelyRandom wrote:
If you're eating a lot because you're depressed, then you should get to the bottom of the issue. If you're clinically depressed and not just having a bad day, then you need to see a doctor. Once your depression has been sorted out, the eating symptoms may wear off. But while you're feeling depressed, just try and not overeat. Remember, weight gain is caused by consuming too many calories and being overweight can just make you feel worse and add to your problems.


"try and not overeat"? easier said than done.

once when i was 20, i ate 5/8 of an apple pie. about 8 inch diameter.

don't even remember how it tasted. surely starch, sweet, sticky. did not particularly like it though.

yeah i am aware that i am overeating. and then i overeat.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Sep 2017, 6:43 pm

Cut out all carbs and sugar then find a type of workout that you like doing like for example, sit ups on your bed. Although cardio is best. Nike says ....... Just do it. You will get your confidence back if you do and you will be a whole new person. Dont let this world drag you down. Jesus will help you.


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09 Sep 2017, 11:20 pm

I would go after the depression. For me talking to my best friend, aquariums, and long walks help.


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11 Sep 2017, 9:06 pm

BettaPonic wrote:
I would go after the depression. For me talking to my best friend, aquariums, and long walks help.



and i ain't got no precious lil "friends". much less a best friend.

aquarium. doesn't help me.

talking could help, hurt, or have no effect.

effects. results. consequences

are not necessarily immediate, visible, physical, or direct

sometimes one action has some good effects and some bad effects

likewise sometimes i wonder if it is worth the

:idea: cost benefit analysis :mrgreen:

some of the counselors that i have interacted with acted so dim witted and/or condescending, that it took so much energy to explain the slightest thing to them. sometimes they did not appear to :oops: believe it or care. :nerdy:

however, what if they believed it and cared, then what?

they had no authority to change the situation.

and they physically could not have had a time machine and go back in time and fix something.


talking serves a function, as a counselor correctly told me.

however, saturated fat serves a function too. doesn't mean the more the merrier.

not too much or too little talking. not the wrong kind of talking.




feel like gorging right now


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11 Sep 2017, 11:26 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
BettaPonic wrote:
I would go after the depression. For me talking to my best friend, aquariums, and long walks help.



and i ain't got no precious lil "friends". much less a best friend.

aquarium. doesn't help me.

talking could help, hurt, or have no effect.

effects. results. consequences

are not necessarily immediate, visible, physical, or direct

sometimes one action has some good effects and some bad effects

likewise sometimes i wonder if it is worth the

:idea: cost benefit analysis :mrgreen:

some of the counselors that i have interacted with acted so dim witted and/or condescending, that it took so much energy to explain the slightest thing to them. sometimes they did not appear to :oops: believe it or care. :nerdy:

however, what if they believed it and cared, then what?

they had no authority to change the situation.

and they physically could not have had a time machine and go back in time and fix something.


talking serves a function, as a counselor correctly told me.

however, saturated fat serves a function too. doesn't mean the more the merrier.

not too much or too little talking. not the wrong kind of talking.




feel like gorging right now

Earlier this year I had no friends. I connected with a girl I have know for years and she was my friend. She later ditched me. I met a girl in a mental hospital I was at and we became close friends and talk everyday. I mainly comfort her. I connected with a high school classmate after graduation and we became best friends. She always has my best interests in heart and is one of the few people who can calm me down. With her there is no such thing as talking to much.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Sep 2017, 3:25 am

I've found that recovery means being honest about what I want, what I need, What I feel and who I am.

Dental Clinic in Lucknow


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12 Sep 2017, 9:19 am

Earlier this year I had no friends. I connected with a girl I have know for years and she was my friend. She later ditched me. I met a girl in a mental hospital I was at and we became close friends and talk everyday. I mainly comfort her. I connected with a high school classmate after graduation and we became best friends. She always has my best interests in heart and is one of the few people who can calm me down. With her there is no such thing as talking to much.[/quote]



The word "always" :heart: literally means that if there's is one exception, the whole statement is wrong :wink:

Just because something has not occurred thus far :ninja: does not necessarily follow that it will never happen

Sometimes it is not obvious :cry: clear what your "best interest" is.

Every situation is different

Furthermore when two people have best interests that compete, which one takes priority?


Former precious lil "friends" have had the nerve to cancel social plans with me for reasons (that I find lame)

Example. A former precious lil "friend" and I agreed that I would meet her at her apartment at a certain day, at a certain time. Then :ninja: after we made plans she had the nerve to email to tell me that she was dogsitting. And that if I was :arrow: uncomfortable I could "reschedule"

It was like :P wtf :cry: :cry: :?:

She did not have my best interests at heart

But she did have the best interests of the dog owners. Plural. And the dogs. Plural. And her boyfriend. Singular. And. (Drumroll please))).......... her precious lil :lol: self :skull: :skull:

She knew, a priori. Full well that I was afraid of dogs





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12 Sep 2017, 9:19 am

Earlier this year I had no friends. I connected with a girl I have know for years and she was my friend. She later ditched me. I met a girl in a mental hospital I was at and we became close friends and talk everyday. I mainly comfort her. I connected with a high school classmate after graduation and we became best friends. She always has my best interests in heart and is one of the few people who can calm me down. With her there is no such thing as talking to much.[/quote]



The word "always" :heart: literally means that if there's is one exception, the whole statement is wrong :wink:

Just because something has not occurred thus far :ninja: does not necessarily follow that it will never happen

Sometimes it is not obvious :cry: clear what your "best interest" is.

Every situation is different

Furthermore when two people have best interests that compete, which one takes priority?


Former precious lil "friends" have had the nerve to cancel social plans with me for reasons (that I find lame)

Example. A former precious lil "friend" and I agreed that I would meet her at her apartment at a certain day, at a certain time. Then :ninja: after we made plans she had the nerve to email to tell me that she was dogsitting. And that if I was :arrow: uncomfortable I could "reschedule"

It was like :P wtf :cry: :cry: :?:

She did not have my best interests at heart

But she did have the best interests of the dog owners. Plural. And the dogs. Plural. And her boyfriend. Singular. And. (Drumroll please))).......... her precious lil :lol: self :skull: :skull:

She knew, a priori. Full well that I was afraid of dogs





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12 Sep 2017, 11:01 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
Earlier this year I had no friends. I connected with a girl I have know for years and she was my friend. She later ditched me. I met a girl in a mental hospital I was at and we became close friends and talk everyday. I mainly comfort her. I connected with a high school classmate after graduation and we became best friends. She always has my best interests in heart and is one of the few people who can calm me down. With her there is no such thing as talking to much.



The word "always" :heart: literally means that if there's is one exception, the whole statement is wrong :wink:

Just because something has not occurred thus far :ninja: does not necessarily follow that it will never happen

Sometimes it is not obvious :cry: clear what your "best interest" is.

Every situation is different

Furthermore when two people have best interests that compete, which one takes priority?


Former precious lil "friends" have had the nerve to cancel social plans with me for reasons (that I find lame)

Example. A former precious lil "friend" and I agreed that I would meet her at her apartment at a certain day, at a certain time. Then :ninja: after we made plans she had the nerve to email to tell me that she was dogsitting. And that if I was :arrow: uncomfortable I could "reschedule"

It was like :P wtf :cry: :cry: :?:

She did not have my best interests at heart

But she did have the best interests of the dog owners. Plural. And the dogs. Plural. And her boyfriend. Singular. And. (Drumroll please))).......... her precious lil :lol: self :skull: :skull:

She knew, a priori. Full well that I was afraid of dogs



With best interests in mind. I mean she tries to talk me out of my self destructive behaviors. I was friends with a girl for years. When I went crazy she ditched me. I found friends who accept me for who I am. I have trust issues, but feel better and better trusting them everyday. My best friend even visited me in the hospital. It meant the world.


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12 Sep 2017, 8:58 pm

feel like gorging right now.

things are "As Good As it Gets"

right now, the petri dish does not contain anything expensive, delicious, or special to eat.

could use naan. tastes like pancakes

burrito, enchilada, lasagna, ice cream

but ain't got $$ to waste to get it with.

so end up gorging on things that i do not even like

48.2kg a couple minutes ago

feel pretty full

mostly just want someone to talk to, but someone not judgmental

almost everyone is so judgmental

they talk too much and too loud

and i only wanna talk about what i wanna talk about\
