Ever deal with shingles?
So, I have a 3 week vacation to Alaska starting in 6 days... Started having a weird headache, sorta migraine like along with my scalp feeling super tender/sorta burning feeling to the touch, plus eye pressure on that side..
I thought it was a migraine or a pinched nerve (occipital nerve can cause that kinda stuff) .. However, after a week I finally gave in and went to the doc and she said she thought that its a shingles flare up.
Never had one after I had chickenpox as a kid so I had no idea what it would look/feel like.
Anyway, she started me on prednisone and an anti-viral (valtrex), but I forgot to ask a couple things while I was there.. Most importantly..
How long is this going to last roughly after I start the meds?
As I said, I'm leaving on a trip in 6 days... Think it should be ok by then or is this a longer term thing?
Ive read online and see some people talk about having it for 4-6 weeks, but they dont mention if/what meds they are taking for it or anything.
So can someone give me some idea WTF I'm in for?
If it started a week ago, do you have extremely painful full blown lesions on your neck, face, etc at this point?
I had shingles around the age of 40 on my scalp/neckline, on my cheek, down my neck and on my chest and shoulder. It started by me thinking I'd sunburned my neck and scalp even though I hadn't. I think I went in four days later and the doc said I was probably past the window of having anti-virals work, but she gave them to me anyway. She was right. It ran its course. I have a high pain tolerance with some things like skin injuries. Not shingles. It was excruciating pain for days and felt like severe throbbing stabbing pain. I was actually fascinated by how painful it was though. Yeah, I'm weird. I would at times moan due to the pain. It was worse than the back or trunk because the face and neck are so sensitive.
Maybe you dodged the worst of it with the meds?
Good luck on your trip and safe travels.
I'm just starting to get a few... Got 2 lesions that hurt so far, just noticed them yesterday... Sounds like I'm sorta in the 50/50 range.. Maybe I'm ok, maybe not. lol
Yeah, this is some weird feeling s**t, definitely a unique kind of pain. I deal with chronic back pain issues, and I cant say this is worse pain wise, but if it gets much worse I can see how it could.
Its like a migraine mixed with a chemical burn, extra fun when something touches it (combing/brushing my hair is very uncomfortable at the moment) ...
Guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed... Any non-prescription suggestions that helped?