Torley_Wong wrote:
This makes me grit my teeth a little because it makes me remember the great adventure games from Lucasarts, Sierra, and other companies. Adventure games as they once were (in the King's Quest or SCUMM-GUI mold) have, for all effective intents and purposes, faded into the sunset. Although why I am *really* gritting my teeth is because I heard Lucasarts was planning a Sam & Max 2 and a Full Throttle 2 and cancelled BOTH. Ahhhhhhh nooo...

The only game of that ilk I ever spent time with was "Secret Of Monkey Island 2". I completed it, but
ONLY with full instructions to hand.... How on earth the human mind was supposed to work out some of the utterly obtuse logic to its puzzles I'll never know (must be my lack of lateral thinking ability I suppose) - Id've thrown my Amiga through the window in frustration without the solution, no doubt about it. Perhaps its better to let them die gracefully....
I'm old enough to remember the old text adventure games which were for the truly bizarrely minded only..... "pick up cup....
don't know 'pick up'..... grab cup....
don't know 'grab'...... get cup.....
don't know 'get'....... Drop dead you scuzzy computer.....
don't know 'dead'......" Grrrrrrr........
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"