Call me hot, videogames hot, and real real hot

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06 Jul 2004, 10:36 pm

hi this topics is about VIDEOGAMES i have beat over 100 games i will list some

paper mario

final fantasy 3

chrono trigger


dbz legacy of goku

dbz budokai 1

007 agent under fire

007 everything or nothing

spiderman for gamecube

spiderman 64

simpsons hit and run

medal of honor rising sun

gauntlet legends dark legacy

legend of zelda ocarina of time

x-men wolverines revenge

starfox 64

pokemon blue

pokemon silver

pokemon stadium 1,2

save your nabor

vigalante 8


grand theft auto 1,2,3, vice city

and a much much more


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06 Jul 2004, 11:19 pm

I've never been good at videogames, My hand-eye coridnation has never been very good, I managed to get through the original super mario bros, after about 6 months of constant trying.

Good luck in your video game endeavours!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Jul 2004, 12:09 am

That's an impressive list. No Mario 64? I got all 120 stars in that and saw Yoshi on the rooftop. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever done in my life. I wept tears many times getting those stars.


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07 Jul 2004, 1:03 am

Deus Ex -- that's where it's at for me, baby! Although my hopes for a successful IIIrd game are in doubt... :(

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07 Jul 2004, 1:11 pm

I don't play very many video games.

But one game I've played (probably 3/4 finished) and loved was Final Fantasy 7. It has a brilliant, complex, lengthly storyline to it with many good elements, it has an incredible musical score, good graphics, great gameplay. Just a remarkable achievement by any standards.

Grim Fandango is also really cool. I wanna finish that as well, but the PC that I use to play such games has hardware problems I'm too lazy to fix.

Blue Jay
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07 Jul 2004, 8:15 pm

Resident Evil. All of em except Outbreak. I can't get into it for some reason. Maybe this weekend though...
Silent Hill. One and Three. For some reason the second one made me incredibly nauseas.
and Diablo. Both of em, including the expansion packs.


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07 Jul 2004, 9:59 pm

Nuttdan wrote:
Grim Fandango is also really cool. I wanna finish that as well, but the PC that I use to play such games has hardware problems I'm too lazy to fix.

This makes me grit my teeth a little because it makes me remember the great adventure games from Lucasarts, Sierra, and other companies. Adventure games as they once were (in the King's Quest or SCUMM-GUI mold) have, for all effective intents and purposes, faded into the sunset. Although why I am *really* gritting my teeth is because I heard Lucasarts was planning a Sam & Max 2 and a Full Throttle 2 and cancelled BOTH. Ahhhhhhh nooo... :(


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29 Apr 2005, 2:43 pm

Geez u must've worked hard to beat Chrono Trigger. I rented that game and it was sooooo hard. I got to that big thing that does a delta attack if u hit it. That thing was so annoying.

Yugi: And that wipes out your life points!! !!
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Pichu: Pichu!! (Go already!! !)
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29 Apr 2005, 7:52 pm

I too have beat around 100 or so games: I really like video games:
Favorite Games

Newest Games:

Star Fox 64
Goldeneye 007
Agent Under Fire
legend of zelda ocarina of time, majora's mask, and wind waker
Paper Mario
Sonic Heroes, DX, Battle,
Tales of Symphonia
Super Mario Sunshine
Star Fox Adventures

And many more

Old Time Games:

Mario 1, 2, 3 NES and Yoshi's Island, Super Mario World SNES
Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Sonic and Knuckles Genesis


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29 Apr 2005, 8:06 pm

Torley_Wong wrote:
This makes me grit my teeth a little because it makes me remember the great adventure games from Lucasarts, Sierra, and other companies. Adventure games as they once were (in the King's Quest or SCUMM-GUI mold) have, for all effective intents and purposes, faded into the sunset. Although why I am *really* gritting my teeth is because I heard Lucasarts was planning a Sam & Max 2 and a Full Throttle 2 and cancelled BOTH. Ahhhhhhh nooo... :(

The only game of that ilk I ever spent time with was "Secret Of Monkey Island 2". I completed it, but ONLY with full instructions to hand.... How on earth the human mind was supposed to work out some of the utterly obtuse logic to its puzzles I'll never know (must be my lack of lateral thinking ability I suppose) - Id've thrown my Amiga through the window in frustration without the solution, no doubt about it. Perhaps its better to let them die gracefully....

I'm old enough to remember the old text adventure games which were for the truly bizarrely minded only..... "pick up cup.... don't know 'pick up'..... grab cup.... don't know 'grab'...... get cup..... don't know 'get'....... Drop dead you scuzzy computer..... don't know 'dead'......" Grrrrrrr........ :evil:

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09 May 2005, 8:30 am

I beat halo, metal gear solid, metal gear solid 2, metal gear solid 3,ninja turtles (when ever i was like 5)... thats all i can think of now i know i beat more games

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09 May 2005, 8:02 pm

MoonPatrol wrote:
That's an impressive list. No Mario 64? I got all 120 stars in that and saw Yoshi on the rooftop. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever done in my life. I wept tears many times getting those stars.

oh man i remember beating that game too after spending about 2 months playing it..and yes, i'm a completionist, so i had to get all 120 stars, strategy guide or not..(how about that rainbow level near the end? that was a real doozie!)

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20 May 2005, 2:41 pm

I've probably beat.. somewhere between 50-100 games.. probably closer to the 100 end. But I've slowed down because after going from playing platformers to being a strictly rpg player it takes a lot more time to beat a game. But so far I've covered FFVII-FFX-2, both Shadow Hearts games, Lunar 1 & 2.. among more others that I'm too lazy to currently list. Probably the hardest final boss battle I've ever managed to beat is Ultimecia on FF8. She was HARD! So far the only rpg I have absolutely not been able to beat was Star Ocean 2, because Indalecio caps my ass every time.

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20 May 2005, 5:09 pm

I can proudly say I have beaten every Final Fantasy, ever. Even the original Final Fantasy 2 that only came out in Japan. My mom yells at me when I get to into the game. During important boss fights, and other really hard parts, I've been known to play standing up in a wide stance, crouched, and flailing left and right in sync with the game. Extreme jubulation or profanity, sometimes both, are guarinteed to ensue.

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20 May 2005, 5:36 pm

I have beaten 18 RTS games, 23 FPS games and 6 TBS games.

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21 May 2005, 4:21 am

I've been playing games ever since I was a kid, you can't seriously expect me to remember them all? o_O