Kitty4670 wrote:
Do you need exercise to lose weight?
No, the whole point to the exercise bit of diet and exercise is to maintain muscle tone. The amount of energy that you typically burn is minimal, and the same as if you just spent an hour in a hot bath as most of the energy burned during exercise is the result of the body needing to thermo-regulate.
The diet part tends to be what actually causes the weight loss, and that gets kind of tricky as you need to maintain a higher metabolism, so that any caloric intake cuts aren't offset by the body reducing the calories burned. It's part of why intermittent fasting is often times recommended, the body doesn't immediately start cutting the calories burned, so if after 16 to 20 hours you get a regular sized meal, the body is more likely to assume that no action is required, even though you've cut a meal, or two, from your weekly caloric intake.