I am worried about the fluoride in the water supply.

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Snowy Owl
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13 Mar 2013, 7:39 am

I have read on other sites on the internet that fluoride does indeed lower ones I.Q. What should I do to prevent this?


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13 Mar 2013, 8:14 am

Normally you only have to avoid fluoride in toothcream and enrichened salt. That they are adding fluorid on purpose in your drinking water is really weird. O_o Do they add mercury as well in your drinking supply? *sarcasm*


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13 Mar 2013, 9:10 am

Schneekugel wrote:
Normally you only have to avoid fluoride in toothcream and enrichened salt. That they are adding fluorid on purpose in your drinking water is really weird. O_o Do they add mercury as well in your drinking supply? *sarcasm*

When you get to be my age, you might see the real reason why fluoride is added on purpose to drinking water . . . provided of course you don't have fluoride in your drinking water. :lol:


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13 Mar 2013, 9:17 am

There are so many products that are enrichened with fluorid, that you have too much of it anyway. So there is no use in adding it also additional to the water. If some people want additive fluorid on their own, because they think having 5 times the daily amount will give them superpowers, its ok, so there are enoug ways to add more fluorid by eating, tooth creams and so on. But poisoning the water that should be a native source for everyone, including the ones that dont think they need 5 times of their daily fluorid amount, is really freaky.

The people on the one side can simply add fluorid to their lifestyle. But what shall the people with the other oppinion do, stop drinking water? O_o


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13 Mar 2013, 9:30 am

Schneekugel wrote:
But what shall the people with the other oppinion do, stop drinking water?

The government can't add fluoride to well water on private property. To avoid this contaminated water the only choices are to either find 'clean' bottled water, know someone who has 'clean' well water who is willing to share theirs with you, or remove it yourself.

There are suggestions on how to remove fluoride from tap water online. Here's one source --> Do water filters such as PUR remove fluoride from the tap water?


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13 Mar 2013, 9:42 am

faithfilly wrote:
When you get to be my age, you might see the real reason why fluoride is added on purpose to drinking water . . . provided of course you don't have fluoride in your drinking water. :lol:

Why is that?


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13 Mar 2013, 9:42 am

As if it was so easy nowadays to find water in glass bottles, instead of that lousy plastic bottles that contains softeners. In my area there is exactly one shop, where you still can find glass bottles, and its 15 km away from me. -.-


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13 Mar 2013, 9:49 am

mercifullyfree wrote:
faithfilly wrote:
When you get to be my age, you might see the real reason why fluoride is added on purpose to drinking water . . . provided of course you don't have fluoride in your drinking water. :lol:

Why is that?

If this needs to be explained, it may be too late.


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13 Mar 2013, 10:14 am

mercifullyfree wrote:
faithfilly wrote:
When you get to be my age, you might see the real reason why fluoride is added on purpose to drinking water . . . provided of course you don't have fluoride in your drinking water. :lol:

Why is that?

Advantage: Fluorid helps your tooth and bones becoming moer stabile, and more resistant against caries.

Disadvantage: This only works in a certain amount. As example: For toddlers up to 0,7 mg daily is ok and helping their teeth (even when they are not to be seen then). More of it has the opposite effect and is weakening your teeth in the opposite, making them vulnerable for caries. The amount of "healthy fluroid" for an grown up personis about 10 mg fluorid.

Thats why its so weird to add it into the drink water, because a baby should only get 15% of the amount of fluorid an grown up person needs, but it does not need only 15% of the amount of water.

Higer amounts (much higher amounts of fluorid) are poisonous, another reason why its really unresponsible to simply add that stuff into the drinking water instead of let the people decide on their own how much they want to consume. So as example the double daily amount for an human grown up (20 mg) leads to chroic fluordisease, leading to breath- and lungillness and as scientific animal tests have shown can even cause your bones to produce calciumfluorid, which is poisonous, plus hardening of your body joints and tooth damage.

There are also actual studies that let scientiests suspect, that there could be a link to nerve- and braindamages.

Fact remains: Fluorid can be a healthy stuff for your body in the right amount which is critical depending on your age, body size and so on. So either you put the stuff in the water, and people have to vary the amount of water they daily drink or you dont put it into the water, drink as much water every day as you want, and add fluorid to your body by the other various possibilities.

I prefer the last solution and no, there is no such stuff added in my normal drinking water. Its not needed because there is plenty of fluor added salt available in every super market.


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13 Mar 2013, 10:39 am

That is interesting that fluoride in a certain amount has some benefit. Makes sense. I used to think any amount at all was bad. But, I think nobody will ever get under their RDA of fluoride naturally. Some plants like tea for example, tend to have high amounts of fluoride. In India and China they have the problem of fluorosis from tea and their drinking water being polluted with fluoride just due to the bedrock.

Anyway, my friend who's a (mostly) raw vegan, when I went over his house, he has an easy way to get over the fluoride in water issue. A distiller. They cost anywhere from $50-200 for a countertop one. This is really the only way to get around it. You may want to buy some minerals to add to the water after, though. Some people say distilled water by itself will leach minerals from your body or whatever. Maybe.

However, even if you get a distiller, you still gotta worry about food grown with fluoridated water. All your food still has fluoride in it. That and obviously you're not gonna be bathing in unfluoridated water. I'd say if you're really worried about it, move to a different country without fluoridation.

faithfilly wrote:

When you get to be my age, you might see the real reason why fluoride is added on purpose to drinking water . . . provided of course you don't have fluoride in your drinking water.

I believe I know where you're going with this.


Sea Gull
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13 Mar 2013, 12:51 pm

Flouride has been in our water supply for many decades now (almost a century I think) and IQ levels have been increasing throughout this period. I wouldn't worry about it.


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13 Mar 2013, 3:07 pm

Ellingtonia wrote:
Flouride has been in our water supply for many decades now (almost a century I think) and IQ levels have been increasing throughout this period. I wouldn't worry about it.

Yep. as a chemist I can tell you that it takes significantly higher levels of Flouride in your water than currently used to have any toxic effect, so I definitely would not woprry about it.


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13 Mar 2013, 3:11 pm

Jaythefordman wrote:
Ellingtonia wrote:
Flouride has been in our water supply for many decades now (almost a century I think) and IQ levels have been increasing throughout this period. I wouldn't worry about it.

Yep. as a chemist I can tell you that it takes significantly higher levels of Flouride in your water than currently used to have any toxic effect, so I definitely would not woprry about it.

You don't believe there's any possibility of cumulative effect?

Anyway, regarding IQ, that's probably due to removal of lead from the environment more than anything.


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13 Mar 2013, 3:54 pm

For teeth, fluoride is in most toothpaste and mouthwash. I don't think we need to be forced to drink it. I don't like the idea of forced medication.


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13 Mar 2013, 3:58 pm

mercifullyfree wrote:
For teeth, fluoride is in most toothpaste and mouthwash. I don't think we need to be forced to drink it. I don't like the idea of forced medication.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/s ... m-in-water

Don't worry, the forced medication will make you like the idea of forced medication.


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13 Mar 2013, 4:49 pm

I actually saw that article when it came out and it freaked me out a little.