Hi. I am actually a multi-certified personal trainer, so I feel qualified to give you information. However, your question isn't the one you want answered. Bare with me, for you see, each gal prefers different body types in a mate. What you probably want to know is what does the vast majority prefer. I can help you with that.
The standard manly, macho, hulk, he-man build that you are looking for is similar to an upside down triangle for the torso. It contains broad shoulders, a well developed chest, ripped abs and a thick back. Outside of that triangle, women often like large arms including the biceps, triceps and forearm. And, we cannot neglect the legs because if we do, then we will look disproportionate.
How do we go about obtaining this? We start with repetitions of a set for each exercise up to a number of 8-10 repetitions per set of the maximum weight you can lift that many times. And, we include 2-3 sets per body part, so that our entire body is worked. This repetition range is most suitable for what we call muscular hypertrophy, which increases the size of the muscles worked.
Lastly, eating habits and recovery are vital to your results. When desiring to gain muscle mass, you want to eat more than what you normally do as you are expending more calories, or units of energy.
It is easy to get started, but to really thrive you will need to be proactive and learn about the exercises, some scientific theories, and record your diet/make a set workout plan, or hire someone to do it for you.
Set = a number of repetitions of an exercise
Repetition = one full movement of an exercise