xxZeromancerlovexx wrote:
I'm really worried that I will end up on that show. I weigh over 200 pounds (like 250-ish) and kinda just stay there. Like I'm stuck. I don't really eat a whole lot. I usually live off of yogurt, green tea, fruits, veggies, non-fried fish, eggs etc...
Now, sometimes I will have a small burger, a soda, a steak (grilled) and ice cream or a cupcake but I make sure that the portion is small enough (and I mean tiny like, the burger is slider sized) and in school people were concerned that I didn't eat a lot. I'm also active during the day and now that I have my treadmill again, I can do my treadmill work out and need a yoga mat because I do yoga.
Will I end up on My 600 Pound Life if I keep on like this?
It's very unlikely that you'll ever weigh 600 pounds. Most of those foods sound healthy but you might want to avoid the ice cream and cupcakes. Maybe instead of ice cream you could eat halo top.
What are you drinking? When I started counting calories I found that I was drinking a lot of calories. Sometimes I drank more calories than I ate. Also have you tallied how many calories you eat in a typical day?
The days are long, but the years are short