Sleeping during the day has become a habit. I only want a short 20 minute nap, but it turns into a 40 minute deep sleep, then when I wake up again I feel even more tired, and just end up turning over and sleeping for another 30 minutes or so. Then, when it comes to night time, I'm laying there wide awake, tossing and turning half the night, then find it hard getting up in the morning, and by that afternoon I get drowsy again, and my body clock gets so mucked around.
It's just when I'm not doing anything all afternoon, and it's freezing cold and icy outside, all I want to do is curl up in my bed and sleep. But if I don't have any naps in the day, I have a very good night's sleep at night, and there is nothing better than climbing into bed at night time and feeling tired, and dropping off to sleep easily, and waking up nice and early the next morning. I've read having a good night's sleep is very good for anxiety, moods, appertite, concentration, digestion, and (believe it or not) communication skills. I've tried it. Having about 9 hours of sleep a night is healthy, and this is without sleeping in the day (a 20 minute nap is fine, but no more than that. And if you want to have a nap, it's best to do it laying on your back without any blankets or anything over you, because it then tells your body that you're only wanting a light nap, so you should naturally wake up after about 15-20 minutes. When you curl up in bed in the day your body will think you're going to bed).
People who do night shifts don't count with this rule, because I've never done night shifts. But I know I couldn't do any night shifts because I want to sleep at night and be fully awake all day.