PunkyKat wrote:
My nepphew has Cystic Fibrois and needs animal products in order to survive. He couldn't survive being a vegan. He's a little brat too. My parents say it is because he is in constant pain. I was in constant pain as a child and always told to deal with it. I'd give him up for adoption if he were mine.
But that's your nephew. He doesn't live with you?
Also, you can go vegan.
And your mom can find alternatives to milk.
I mean no offense, but other than your nephew. I see no real need to drink another animal's milk. Cow's milk is made for the baby calf, not a human. Actually milk tolerance is a mutated gene.
Cats don't technically drink cows milk, it gives them complications later in life.
Dogs don't drink cows milk, it also causes them complications.
Soooo...I mean put two and two together, if they can. Why do we think we can and should?