ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Wow man! That's a lot of saturated fat. The eggs by themselves are okay but eating that way over a prolonged period of time is very bad for your arteries. Why not stick to low fat meat and cheese?
Nobody's proved conclusively that saturated fat really even affects your arteries. ... z1ySzVDBWy Evolutionarily, our bodies are accustomed to saturated fat. It's really the only natural source of fat we can get, unless we find things with omega 3s and monounsaturated fats, ie, olives, avocados, seeds, etc. But polyunsaturated fats, where the majority of our fats come from now in our diet, is quite unnatural. For soybean oil, for example, right, to get oil out of soybeans, you need solvents, or lots of pressure, etc. You cannot naturally extract a lot of oil from soybeans and corn, it's just not possible. But yeah, your body actually needs sat fats to build cells. Same with cholesterol, it's demonized so much, but your body actually needs the stuff to repair cells and create hormones.
That said, people's metabolisms and bodies are different. Some people genetically are adapted to eat lots of saturated fat, lots of meat, etc, and others aren't. It gets more complicated between the sexes, too, men need different nutrients than women.