ValentineWiggin wrote:
(Don't eat bread, but...) I saw some Brit somewhere commenting on how a loaf of bread in most of Europe goes bad in three days,
whereas in America, it can last for a month, sometimes. O_o
Yup I was totally amazed by this thread.. If you buy bread or buns here in the netherlands.. they'll be hard (or soft) by evening, and then soft (or hard) the next day, but surely inedible/mouldy the third. (If you buy buns/bread at 8AM, it'll start to be stale by 1PM).
Bread lasting for a month.. or even a week for that matter.. jeez.. that's crazy.
I personally don't even eat bread on the second day because I hate (DESPISE) the taste of it compared to fresh (day one) bread. Some people still do eat it though. I do really like day two hard buns though.. with paté or peanutbutter and people think I'm crazy for eating "garbage". (I like potato chips more too after leaving the bag out open for a day or two.)
If you let out bread for a week here it'll have crawled out and started a life on it's own. It'll be probably in the backyard building a dwelling, or finding a job at a local business.
One of my friends was actually a piece of bread before he became a successful car mechanic.
Everyone puts their "extra" bread in the freezer right after buying and don't get it out till they need it. And people generally buy new bread every week. (With some exceptions like really pure white bread that people dump in the back of the fridge as backup).