EMTkid wrote:
What are these "kids" now gonna feel like if they ever see that their parents are online lamenting about their crappy luck getting them as a kid?
What indeed? That's why I think it's a terrible idea to blog about your kids unless you do it in the most generic way possible, such as mentioning them now and then in your blog about some other subject. (I don't think it's a problem if some cooking blogger mentions that her son hates broccoli or whatever.) But if you make your kids the focus of your blog, is it inevitable you will say some things that should stay private in your family or even things that should stay private in your head (such as this disappointment). What these parents are sharing would be completely appropriate to share with a therapist. But not the whole googling world.
People share concerns and angst about their kids in the Parenting subforum (I have too) but it is always oblique and stripped of the identifiers that would make a kid think "ohmigod that's me she's talking about! And this poster must be my mom!" But on a blog it's all spelled out. Sometimes there are photos. All a very bad idea. It deprives the kid of privacy (since some very personal details are spelled out- sometimes with pictures) and can horrify the kid if they come across it. "That's what they thought of me?!?!?" Bad idea Bad idea
As to why it's always about kids and not adults? It may be that it's considered unseemly to blog about your adult sons and daughters. At least I don't ever see people do it. But as posters here note, those kids will grow up and that blog will still be in cyberspace, waiting to be found. Or worse yet, it may be found by a school bully while the kid is still a kid and its' contents used as ammunition....shudder..... I don't know why parents don't think of that. It would be mortifying to the kid.