trollcatman wrote:
LupaLuna wrote:
pawelk1986 wrote:
Normally, I would suggest putting this type of questions in the "adult autism issues " but as you have 15, so that could be the problem

I'd have to agree with you. I wonder why none of the moderators haven't done this already?
If they move it, TS can't read his own topic anymore since he isn't 18 yet.
Maybe WrongPlanet should create a special section for teens, say 12 or 13 years and older, not available for younger kids, but also blocked for adult users, except administrators. Let's just say that it would be a reversed "Adult Autism Issue"
If I was a child I would not want that every adult knew about my problem. I remember that as I had similar problems with a dick but also with other problems of puberty, such as this hideous pimples, with whom I have a problem even today, but I'm talking about something else. Always preferring to consult such problems with other kids my age than adults, because it was embarrassing.