beakybird wrote:
I love it but try to avoid it. If you count any pre-prepared meals as fast food then it's about half of what I eat. I get alot of pre made stuff from the supermarket. I just can't be bothered to cook and clean after working all day.
Have you ever thought about pre-plnning cooked meals by putting them in the freezer?
This is what my mum does for me and I will learn to do myself. Due to working out I eat 6 meals a day - 2 of them are meals that don't require cooking and are quick to prepare, the other two aren't. Instead of going through the extra hassle she just cooks them all mabe Sunday and I'm set to just microwave my stuff for the week.
Me, I use to love fast food all the time, but my stomach has gotten used to healthier foods that just the thought of mcdonald's makes me sick. Pizza's still usually alright though.