i've been off gluten for about 3 1/2 years as i'm fairly certain i have celiac disease. i sleep better, i don't have the disabling gut pains i used to have, and i no longer have constant flu-like muscle fatigue.
raisedbyignorance wrote:
I cant do anymore with gluten free diets cause they only sell that kind of stuff in Health Supermarkets were everything's too expensive.
what kind of stuff? if you're looking to substitute items that contain gluten, they are probably packaged / processed foods anyway (mostly empty carbs). learn how to eat without that stuff, and you will be much happier & healthier anyway. sub brown rice when you would ordinarily have pasta or bread and you will be getting a whole grain, which is better.
i eat a lot of steamed veggies and rice.
jessmc wrote:
I have read in several places that after you are gluten free for awhile you will be able to digest dairy with no problems.
gluten in your diet (if you shouldn't be eating it) can make someone lactose-intolerant who won't necessarily be once off gluten for awhile (six months maybe??). but some people are lactose-intolerant and it has nothing to do with gluten in the diet or not. so this could be true for some people, but not all. at least, that's the way i understand it.
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.