Heliobacter20 wrote:
Giftorcurse wrote:
I've got to say, physical education could be my worst subject in high school. Virtually everybody is telling me the "your best is all that counts" junk I've been told a million times before. You know what? I'm prepared to take some serious juice to pass this class and I don't give a damn about what happens next, because there can be only one winner. Those that fail in P.E. fail at life. It's that simple.
What the what?!?!?! THose who fail at PE fail at life? What bonehead jock told you that? I virtually send them a punch in their shriveled, caper like testicles.
I failed gym in grade 9 and now a successful nurse. Gym doesn't mean crap. Steroids won't help you anyway, your problem is the social aspect. Reading body language in sports, and learning rules. And they are right, it's participation.
As an out, my aspie lil brother just did weights instead.
I really wish I could have done weights instead, I was always unusually strong for my size. But I was a girl, they taught me I shouldn't even be using my upper body strength too much, let alone lift weights.
'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)