Pain - do we experience it the same as NTs?

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18 Feb 2012, 9:53 am

roadracer wrote:
I have a freakishly high tolerance to pain for some reason. As a kid, I would walk bare foot across asphalt during a hot day and not even think of it, like to the point of it putting blisters on my feet.

I would do this too.

The blisters would eventually cause pain after they broke open, but I would not feel the pain from the hot asphalt.

I'm like this with heat period. I've always liked my bath/shower water to be unusally hot.


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18 Feb 2012, 10:18 pm

A source of confusion and frustration for me when I was little was stuff like the time I needed to wash my hands while my mother was doing the dishes. I went to put my hands under the stream of water, only to discover how extremely hot it felt. Now, I know children often can't tolerate the intensity of extremes of temperature that adults can, and my mother knew this, too. She's the one who criticized my father for running a bath for my sister and me that was too hot. What got me in this hand washing situation was when I said it was too hot, and my mother replied with, "No it isn't." Being told things didn't feel the way I said they did really threw me, and that was a thing that didn't entirely go away when I grew up. I can see how people would say things didn't feel the same to them as they did to me, but I really don't get, at all, being told that things don't feel to me the way I say they do. And I'm pretty sure that's what my mother (and others after her) tried to tell me. She meant the water wasn't too hot for me to put my hands in to wash them, not that the water wasn't too hot for her to put her hands in to do the dishes.

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21 Feb 2012, 8:56 am

I do think the pain experience might be slightly altered (or the complaining may be atypical). My daughter was complaining about a sore ear on Sunday night. She didn't appear to be in a tremendous amount of pain, so we waited until the next to take her to the doc. He said she had a severe infection and her eardrum was almost at the point of bursting. Thankfully, it hasn't burst and the antibiotics appear to be taking effect. This is the 3rd time she has had a really bad ear infection and at no time would I have thought she was in agony. She also broke her leg and we didn't know until the next day. She didn't complain much about that at all. Yet, she screams every morning, when I very gently comb her hair.

My experience of pain may be atypical too. When I was in labour, I was in a lot of pain (as is expected with a back to back induced labour). But, I don't think I made it clear to anyone that I was suffering. Most people in my situaton would need a c-section, mainly due to not being able to take the pain. But, I just put up with it, even though I never got any relief whatosever from the gas&air or the morphine injection. I needed asssitance at the end (details on request only), because I was in so much pain that I didn't know what I was doing. Still, I don't think the midwife had any idea that I was in such discomfort. I really should have been advised to have an epidural, from the very start, but they can only tell you what your options are.

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21 Feb 2012, 11:00 am

I very nearly ripped off all my thumb skin off last night. It bleeds like a tap when I do so, but I am able to pull myself out of the pain and just finish the job. It started from a piece of skin, but I just HAD to rip off the entire skin region, I don't know why.
Very embarrassed to confess this 8O

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21 Feb 2012, 2:47 pm

jamieevren1210 wrote:
I very nearly ripped off all my thumb skin off last night. It bleeds like a tap when I do so, but I am able to pull myself out of the pain and just finish the job. It started from a piece of skin, but I just HAD to rip off the entire skin region, I don't know why.
Very embarrassed to confess this 8O

Don't worry - I pull at hangnails too (I believe that's what they're called) and go a bit too far sometimes. I always regret it for a few days afterwards and wish I'd used a pair of scissors instead.

"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiatic about." Charles Kingsley


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07 Mar 2012, 8:38 am

Darksideblues42 wrote:
It is strange, I can sit and calmly stitch my own arm up without a second thought about it (I used to rock climb when I was younger)

I don't mind the heat, nor the cold, I would wear shorts in the dead of winter with feet of snow on the ground and be happy as a clam to walk through it.

I can stare at an x-acto knife stuck in my hand and think, "Ow, that is going to hurt later" then pull it out and bandage the wound without a complaint.

My Thought process goes something like
"Hey, you just injured yourself."
"Well, is it something you can take care of?"
"It is."
"Ok, Fix it, no need for the pain to bother you"

So when I go to the doctor and say "My shoulder hurts, a 7.5 on your 1-10 scale" then look at me in disbelief, until they run the scans and tests and see that I have 40 tears in my shoulder and a splinter of bone almost pressing through a major nerve and ask how I am even able to function.

Basically THIS, except I still rock climb.

I remember a face-plant (never wear metal framed glasses), pouring blood, spitting through a hole in my mouth, then looking in the mirror and being disappointed that it wouldn't heal right without professional help. Doc was impressed as he switched it back together. I also had another wreck where I lost 3/4" of height and had to cycle a few miles to get back home. Slept it off, but that took 6mo to heal. My nerves were all crossed up so when I scratched my chest electricity would go up and down my left arm. I had to eat cereal on all fours because I couldn't hold both a bowl and spoon.