auntblabby wrote:
if i were a better person, i would be vegan like my older sister. but i just can't give up the flavor of animal products like meat and dairy products. vegan cuisine to me is totally flavorless, especially when served raw as is a common vegan custom.
You need to find yourself a better cook ,no seriously.
I had (made) an awesome (vegan Christmas dinner) that will give you all the "highs" of a traditional turkey Christmas dinner.
1. Redwoods roast beef (some faux meats are puke though redwoods generally is the bees knees . It had a really yummy stuffing which contained wild rice.
2. served with minty peas, roast (rosemary potatoes) roasted dutch carrots (glazed with cardamon and orange juice) Yorkshire pudding Yum-o who doesn't like fat and flour deep fried in fat ! It was serverd with home made gravy (using my home brew beer.)
It was served stacked up restaurant style everyone said it had photo magazine look to it.
Since it's so hot here , for dessert I made a Oreo ice cream Christmas pudding, yes Oreos are vegan , the best by default vegan (industrial/cheap) cookie. . Served with lots of berries and white (vegan chocolate)
Have Christmas with me and you'll change your mindset instantly.
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob