community workout logg
Did 300 calories on the treadmill and another 100 on the elliptical. Then I did a few machines like the bench press, curling, and leg press.
Not following a a rigid routine, but working it in around my classes. The main thing I think is at least get in for cardio and I've been including more of the elliptical.
Not following a a rigid routine, but working it in around my classes. The main thing I think is at least get in for cardio and I've been including more of the elliptical.
I hate cardio machines. So so boring. Much rather just spend an hour going for a walk or hike.
If you're really scared of the barbells, try, say, dumbell benching or something like that.
Anyway, today, so far, only 35 minutes skating. Did manage to start getting my left inside 3 turns better, so I'm happy about that. That's a tough turn. I gotta work on my right forward crossovers and left backward ones, too. Waltz 8s are panning out relatively nicely.
Definitely gonna keep the hyperextensions going, may ditch situps (since I hate them,) as I don't know if my back gets along with them. Maybe leg raises for direct ab work? Also, I feel like I should maybe still squat 1-2x a week, my legs feel lacking in power without really squatting or anything. But I feel like squats in ice skating, the only carryover is work capacity and stroking, doesn't help much for jumps and control as all the moves are all done on one leg, so yeah. So I've reached a point of diminished returns for squats, but I still need them a little. Just no "RAWR GOTTA SQUAT ALL THE TIME YEAH!! !" type stuff. Also, my big problem in squats is keeping my heels on the ground, so I have to really work into that stretch needed for my Achilles and get the balance down. That's what's limiting me from doing pistols, I think.
Let's see, did quite a lot today.
Started with snatch grip push presses. Started with 5 pounds per side, did 5 reps (3 reps, then 2,) and did this by adding 5lbs until I stopped at 95lbs (could have done more, but it was one of my first times doing the exercise.) Elbows didn't bother me, which is good. Perhaps because of my long arms, on my pressing movements I need a wider grip, though I do find it uncomfortable, but it needs to be wider to save my elbows.
Hyperextensions, 20 reps warmup, 10 reps x 3 with 35lb plate, 20 reps cool down.
Stepups, knee high, 7x4, with 35lb dumbells in each hand. Next time I'll do them I'll either add a plate or use 40s. Probably add a plate. Got up to doing stepups without weights to 9 plates (aerobic stepper plates) without losing balance. For the knee high ones I believe I had 6?
Barbell lunges, with the bar across my shoulders in front squat position, only did it with 10s on the side, went deep for the lunges. Did 4 reps per leg per set, 4 sets, plus one set with just the bar.
Lastly, I did some assisted pullups on the gravitron machine. With 90lbs assisted. Was gonna do 10x3, but got mad at my failure and left at like rep 5 of the second set. Maybe go back to doing rows in the Smith machine to help my pullup, or something like that. Still, feelsbadman that I can't do pullups.
Might start doing some curls, as I notice my biceps "burn" the most when trying to do pullups, and it's not as much my lats that fatigue as my biceps. As a kid in school even, it was the same thing. I could lat pulldown like 120+ lbs on the machine in gym class, but then do a pullup on the pullup machine and I'd need a gazillion pounds of assistance. So I guess the weakness is the biceps. I didn't want big arms, but oh well, gotta have them I guess.
Also, I may have found a new PED for me. Mint tea. Basically, you drink it, and you feel REALLY cooled down fast. I mixed it with green tea, so I'm gonna have to make a batch of mint tea to drink just by itself, though, because I don't know how much of the effect is just the green tea/sugar in my tea. However, Chinese medicine theory is basically, excess heat needs cold. Working out gives you excess heat. The Chinese even go as far as giving their Olympic lifters ice baths. There was a study done at a university that made a device that made your hands cool, and lowered your body temperature. The study had people bench pressing, and the gains made with the device were equivalent to the gains from people taking steroids. Interesting stuff. Either way, pure mint tea has to be made to test this more. But it's interesting to me. ... 82912.html
Skating 45 minutes and after went to the gym and did 5 sets of 8 snatch grip deadlifts (no shrug) with 135. I did 20 hypers after.
I think my max on a snatch deadlift with a proper lock out was 195. I think snatch deadlifts are good for me, afterall, you can't very easily snatch what you can't pick up off the ground. So I did that to see if I could do Lamar Gant 8/5/3 program. And I believe I can. The program doesn't say how many days to do it, I believe 3, so I'm gonna do that. Let's hope I stick to this program this time.
As far as skating goes, I can notice a difference already doing the single leg work, so definitely gotta do that. I notice in my crappy attempts at pistols on my right leg I can *almost* do them without holding on to stuff, and my knees are less clicky with the stepups.
Also trying to cut to 180lbs or less, so I can not be 70s Big, but have 2000s abs.
today i was going for 285x3 bench last set....failed miserably. Did 235x3 255x3 285x1..first rep was easy but misgrooved on second and didnt move it.
then did 155x24 bench
then 45x15 65x5, 95x5 skull crushers
then 95x13 curls
not happy with this workout
AQ 25
Your Aspie score: 101 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 111 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
By popular request, (wtfid2) I'm posting in this again.
Anyway, I started Lamar Gant's 8/3/5 routine, and I stopped it. Yay for not finishing things like always. -_- I'm finding now lower body strength, while not topped out per se, is quite imbalanced compared to my upper body, so the upper body needs more priority for now, and also the upper body helps for control in skating.
So now I'm, dun dun dun, benching.
So yesterday I did incline bench 5x5 with 95lbs. Today I did behind the neck pressing 6 sets of 5, plus warmup of like 20 reps with the bar. Did like 2 sets with 85, dropped to 80. Did it standing. Despite all the warnings about behind the neck presses, I seem to tolerate them better than in front, because doing them in front, I tend to have a lot of back arch going on, and my back was hurting for a while after trying out my high rep overhead presses. So I might be trading one danger for another, trading the back for possible rotator cuff issues, but we'll have to wait and see, and I'll have to see tomorrow how the back likes it, too. But so far, so good. I just read now BTN presses work the side delt, which is what I need, too.
Today I also skated for an hour and 10 minutes. Did like 10-20 plyo depth drops on my right leg from about a foot high.
No skating today. Hopefully tomorrow, it'd be a good way to go out, I guess.
Warmed up on the incline bench, 2 sets of 10 with the bar, 5x5 with 100lbs. I don't know how I'll do once I need a spotter, my gym has no power racks.
15 reps or so with 8s on the shoulder flyes to warm up, did 5x5 with 20s, gonna try for the same with 25s next time.
Did a set of 10 with 95 front squatting, then did maybe 7 reps total back squatting to see how it felt. Felt nice, doing the front squats for a while got me nice and low, and right on my heels/midfoot, and not toe driving like I used to. Only went up to 185, just messing around. Might be good for... maybe 250 or 275? When I squatted a lot, I did 275 parallel, so getting it ATG would be nice.
I need to start doing some sort of rows, but never make the time to do them. Oh well. No back pain today from BTN presses either, but the benching makes me worse for overhead squatting and getting the bar behind my head.
Ran about 3.5 miles to the gym.
Bench pressed 55lbs in each arm (10 reps)
Shoulder pressed 35lbs in each arm (8 reps)
Overhead tricep workout with 50lb dumbbell (6)
Chest press machine at 160lbs (10 reps)
Inclined sit-ups for 2 min
Shoulder press machine at 70lbs, 80, muscle failure at 90
Torso rotation against 50lbs of resistance for 20 reps on each side
Overhead pull at 120lbs 3 reps, 3 more reps
Walked home
taking a little while off from working out. havent worked out since monday when i squatted 230x21...depth could have been better il admit. My back got snapped up but is healing. Prob gonna bench wednesday and not sure if im gonna continue squatting...ill have to see..i really want to though.
AQ 25
Your Aspie score: 101 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 111 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
Let's see, today did nothing.
Yesterday, skated 20 minutes because I lost my car keys. After skating did 7 sets of 3 behind the neck press, 85lbs.
Went to the gym that night. I forgot what I did weight-wise. Which means I didn't do anything memorable. Oh, I remember now. I tried out some good mornings, did 5x5 with 95lbs on the bar.
Anyway, last night I tried a sled out. I had 135lbs on it. It's pretty awesome. My gym makes life hard, and only has like, stretchy bands to use with the sled. I did that for like a half hour. I think I'll be doing it more. Good cardio and strength exercise at the same time. I might even ditch lower body weight lifting besides the lunges and stepups and just use the sled. So wtfid2, ever try sled pulling? It's pretty neat.
Also, stuff is aching a lot less now that I'm on my high dose vitamin C that used to be a daily regimen. Usually take like 3-4G at least.
Walked to the gym
100 push-ups
shoulder press 70lbs x 8
iso lateral press 140lbs x 10
leg press 180lbs x 20
leg press 230lbs x 20
shoulder press 75lbs x 8
overhead tricep press 55lbs x 6
pull ups x 16
quadricep machine 100lbs x 10
squat 140lbs x 10
pull down 120lbs x 10
walked back
first day back lifting in 10 days. Did bench and was slightly weaker than i wanted but ill improve.
I did 235x3 255x3 285x1.5 185x18
then skulls did 45x20 65x20 85x11(did these with both forms close grip to nose and wide grip to head)
then bicep curls up to 115x7 with a belt elbow.
AQ 25
Your Aspie score: 101 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 111 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
ran to the gym (3.5 mi)
100 push ups
35lb bicep curls x 4 per arm
8 pull-ups
iso lateral pull-downs (190lbs x 10)
leg press machine (230lbs x 20)
flutterkicks x 60
isolateral row (140lbs x 20)
32.5lb bicep curls x 4 per arm
isolateral pulldown machine 160lbs x 15
45lb cable twist 26 reps per side
iso lateral row 180lbs x 5
walked home
I'm a math evangelist, I believe in theorems and ignore the proofs.
did legs today. I did not go in with much of a game plan because i hurt my back bad and took 10 days off from squatting!! Back still isnt 100 percent(and keep in mind 100 percent for me is still herniated lol) but i was able to squat today. Post injury my goal for this workout was 235x20 since idid 230x21 the workout prior. Since I got injured I decided that I was not going to squat at all for a long time and i would try to increase my strength with ham curls and leg extensions. I warmed up for ham curls by doing bw squats for 20, and then i said screw it, i mgoing to squat the bar for 20. after squatting the bar for 20, i said screw it again..and my workout started.
I did 135x20 for squat(all continuous reps not breathing). I felt good for 30-50(hard to know for sure with endurance squats). My depth was pretty poor but i was focusing on speed and i was still apprehensive about my back.
after squatting I did single leg ham curls and hit a pr!
I did
25x20(per leg)
50x20(per leg)
62.5(per leg)
87.5x11(per leg)..HUGEEEEEEE PR...i dont even think ive done 1 rep of 87.5 ha
Then beasted it on single leg extensions!
37.5x10 warmup(used both legs)
25x10 warmup(per leg) total weight = 50
50x10(per leg) total weigh = 100
75x10(per leg) weight =150
100x0(only tried right) total weight = 200(i was prob not psyched properly ha)
87.5x15(per leg) HUGE PR Total weight= 175x15 reps!
my leg extension is also almost 40 yrs old so it is much harder than the modern ones.
im gonna stick with the light squats for next week. going to try 145x20 continuous reps with better depth...then work up to 100x10 ham curls, and 200x16 lex extensions(100 per leg)
AQ 25
Your Aspie score: 101 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 111 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
Today I just squatted mostly for form sake, 135lbs, 5x5. I'm feeling really comfortable squatting ATG, and doing it in Converses no less. Getting good heel/midfoot drive and my heels rising off the floor thing is almost not an issue at all anymore.
Shoulder flies, 20s, 5x5 one set of 25s, but didn't get the 25s quite as high as I wanted to, so maybe next time.
Incline bench, 105, 5x5. My chest and my shoulders have gotten a little bigger from doing this, but I've lost flexibility for the overhead squat. So I've almost solved the toe/heel problem with it, and benching has created a shoulder mobility problem. Yay.
Also, it does feel rather "snappy" in a Hodgetwins way, my shoulders. Benching in general may not be for me. My back might be fine on the overhead press as the pain I found out wasn't really a popped disc or anything, but adrenal fatigue. So as long as I keep reps low, everything should be fine. But benching might not be for me.
Did some sled pulling. I did an unintentional bulk by eating a bunch of Christmas candy and pizza and soda. Woohoo. Oh well. Hopefully can cut a little weight, the sled is like the man equivalent of an eliptical.
Yesterday was more or less a mess around day. I decided to try some machines and stuff out.
I like the seated iso-row machine. I gotta figure out if my form is right or I can really row 2 plates per side. Figure skaters have rows/pullups recommended as it helps the rotations in jumps and spins and whatnot. Probably will start doing more rowing, though. Hope to eventually work up to pullups. I got halfway up on a pullup instead of 1/3, still pathetic but I'm 190something pounds, so... Wanna work toward at least a full pullup, and then maybe add weight.
5x5 standing overhead shoulder press with dumbells, 30s and 35s depending on the set.
Did a few singles with the strict overhead press on the barbell, almost did 115, got to 110.
Seated calf raise. f**k that exercise. Makes my ankles hurt.
Some leg raises, like one set of 10. I guess it's OK of an exercise.
So had a curlbro day yesterday.
No skating all week as the kids are out of school and there's hockey tourneys and I'd have to skate with like 50 people on the ice instead of under a dozen. I gotta get a USFSA or ISI membership so I can hit up freestyle sessions on those days, would cost $10 those days but at least I'd get reasonable ice time.