MDD123 wrote:
MrsPeel wrote:
Right now I don't have the the equipment or freezer space, otherwise I'd try something similar.
I do sometimes cook a stew or casserole in bulk and freeze half for later (but my kids complain because they're not keen on stews).
I tend to pack myself a variation on the same lunch every day, for simplicity and because I know I can tolerate it. I normally include a fruit, some nuts or a nut bar, and a cheese and pickle sandwich, sometimes with lettuce or rocket, if I have any. Works for me, anyway.
That's one of the reasons I'm not sure about going gluten-free, I'd need to develop a new lunch!
Yea, that diet is my pride and joy, I can't shut up about it.
I only know bits and pieces of how being gluten free helps, does is help with stomach problems or energy?
You have an organized diet, and its still pretty healthy, but if you wanted something different, you could always make smaller batches and not share with the kids
Winco sells really thick glass serving bowls with lids, they're nice and they cost about $5 apiece.
Yes, being gluten-free is excellent. Of course it might be hard to 100% avoid Gluten if you like breads and pastries, I do, but reducing your gluten as much as possible, to zero, is the best thing..
I also totally avoid cow milk and dairy products, to keep that horrible poison: Casein, out of my system. Again a bit harder if you love ice cream, I do, but there are soy milk alternatives. Avoiding Gluten and Casein helps with the AS issue, and of course keeps your body much healthier in general.. Lowering cancer, diabetes risks, etc.
That reminds me, I need to get back into a jogging routine, I’ve neglected that.