Serissa wrote:
This is not meant to be a rant, exactly, but simply to point out a definite trend of what nearly amounts to prejudice.
I find it kind of funny and kind of sad that so many people can be personally offended if someone is a vegan or a vegetarian and immediately demand a convincing argument in favor of their food choices. ((I'm not a vegan, I am a vegetarian, but I can still speak from personal experience on the basic point I'm making.)) If I were to say "I never eat oatmeal" then I doubt it would get the same reaction as "I never eat meat."
I Fully agree!
I will lay down my convictions on why I eventually decided to be a Vegetarian (or Vegan, I did not really decide yet). Those are simply that I am fed up of hearong about those meat-boune diseases. (This decision was taken in Early 2006, when I finally applied it)
This world makes it such that there is overproduction of meatstock (hence for meatstock we have to slaughter livestock), [and mass consumption (hence requiring mass production)] making that our sources more become vulnerable to diseases.
For many years we keep hearing about the very same diseases. So, now I am going towards the Veggie side (and in my point of view let those non veggie guys talk all they want, they will not change my eating habits ! !)
Note: I am also appalled by the mass slaughtering, no doubt about that, but for me, again, it is the meat-borne diseases, and not the slaughtering that we should be worried about. (Still, among the people whom I say I became a Vegetarian ... will not believe their ears and say , what, you ! !! A vegeratian ! you are already so slim ! !! (as for them healthy eaters Nedd good meat dishes !))
PS: As for being a vegetatrian, I Will opt to be fully (yet I can't be Vegan, because I do eat from time to time dairy products!) and really not eat the "hidden" meat substances, as those gelatins we find in the candy industry, etc...
- Duku -