nuckingfuts wrote:
I’ve Lost 82 lbs
Here is what I did.
Stop eating so much sugar ( high fructose corn syrup) switch to honey to wean your self off all of the sugar.
No more diet soda. ( if you need a drink water is the best) Aspartame is a poison it will kill you.
Try to eat more natural i.e. Fruits, Veggie’s, no dairy if it can be avoided (I still eat cheese every now and then) little to no meat.
Try to only eat 50% of your daily Value of fats. If you feel like you need more eat more nuts.
What's been working for me is to a) avoid sugar like the plague (except as noted below) b) avoid carbs like the plauge (except as noted below) c) I've been avoiding all drinks except water and sparkling water (be sure it doesn't have too much sodium), and drinking a ton of these (1 oz a day for every 2 lbs body weight at least is my goal) - I'm not sure why diet soda / artificial sweetner is bad for diet (though i certainly can understand why its bad for you in the long run, just I'm not sure how it would negatively impact your weight) d) try to avoid sodium as much as possible - makes you retain water. What I have been eating - lots of fruit - grapefruit, apples, grapes, cantaloupe, honeydew, pineapple, grilled chicken, steamed veggies, nonfat Riccotta cheese (very high ratio of protein to calories, like 10 g protein for 50 calories), occasionally some ground turkey or turkey burgers, occasional slice of lowfat cheese, occasional slice of Ezekial bread. Not cheating though is tough. I don't weigh myself, just watch my wasteline. Not making as much progress as I was but I have to admit have cheated a little bit more - those 1/2 day a week cheatings (when I still tried to follow the above rules as much as possible, just having something small that's good) have started turning in to maybe twice a week.
Sometimes I just don't know if I even want to keep going - I made a lot of progress and while I haven't quite reached my goal in terms of my appearance, I feel more and more like its impossible and I really just want to maintain myself where I am now, and am thinking that means eating well maybe 80% of the time and eating what I want just a little bit more often and keeping up the exercising that I've been doing. But it would be so easy to just go back and eat whatever I want for a week or so its hard to keep myself disciplined.