*"Exercise Support Thread and Diary"*

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17 Apr 2008, 4:12 am

It's 11 am. I went to bed late, ate sugar snack while watching 2 bad films on the TV, and woke up feeling panicky.

Not in the mood. So not walking today. Sick of trying to be good and sensible and constructive and reliable and reasonable and adult about things.

Seems I'm not the only one, looking around at posts on here. :wink: :( :?

Exercise, pah!... ...

Might actually get round to doing the last three and a half days of washing up now instead! :lol:


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17 Apr 2008, 10:49 am

well, i did do the mounting pile of washing up, and while i was doing it thought about how the last 2 weeks since started exercise i have let the washing up slide to the point that last week we used up every available plate etc, and i still didn't bother do it, and the kitchen table was covered and impossible to use.

My son's papa did the resulting massive clean up over two days at weekend, and smaller amounts the previous weekend.

I think that exercise has actually been "using up" the executive functioning that i otherwise normally apply to getting household stuff done. Hmmm! :?



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19 Apr 2008, 12:52 pm

No - I'm checking, but couldn't face writing I hadn't done my run last Wednesday.
Did one yesterday and one today instead - felty much more energetic when I got home, and good rid of mountains of clothes the kids have grown out of... unfortunately have delivered it at the second hand shop yet - wonder how long it will lie around before I get it done!
I'm no wonder woman when it comes to house keeping, either. I really try, but it doesn't come natuarally at all! My husband is even worse, so I have to do the "executive functioning" for the both of us....

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23 Apr 2008, 5:56 am


I did a walk again. The long one, with my son, this morning, in the sunshine.

A few days ago I realised I'd been forgetting to believe in god, for at least 4-5 weeks now in fact, and that I missed doing so. So, having started believing in god again, two days ago I said I could do with some help with exercise; if it was something god thought was important could he please tell me to do it.

No sign yesterday , but this morning, ... on hearing that his eyes , which got bloodshot yesterday, were not up to computer use, my son got highly annoyed, and ... I found myself suggesting that we go for a walk. :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

PS: I love throwing out stuff aswell. I had a clean out/organise on Friday, of papers accumulating on the floor of my room. I was amazed to find out how much i could chuck, simply because after months and months of sitting there gathering dust they didn't seem to cry out to be kept quite so much! I also got the last shelf fixed in my little cupboard, and sorted files. It was very satisfying. :D



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24 Apr 2008, 8:13 am

I'm not a big one on God - not in the regular sense anyway.
Good for you g0oing for a walk! Hope you and your son enjoyed it.
My 10 y.o. NT has been running with me 8O and wants to know if we can do it agian today!
Great really, and nice having some time with him - he often seems to go short when it comes to adult time - his HFA brother, and the just-3 year old seem to take up a lot of space.... we can actually talk while we jog - never thought I'd be able to do that. :lol:
So I'm on track with my 3 runs a week, almost done with the third week, and because of my son may well be doing more than 3 runs this week....
AND the suns shining :P

On the down side - I never did get to the second-hand store.....

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25 Apr 2008, 6:31 am

Congratulations on keeping up the running. I went for another long walk today, in the sun, with my son.



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25 Apr 2008, 7:23 am

Does anyone mind if I join in? I've been lurking on this topic since it started. ^^; I'm really impressed with how people have been able to keep stuff up! Keep it up! :D

I'm trying to do 500 star jumps a day (going up to 1000 next week), plus 500 for each chocolate bar/other unhealthy thing I eat, monday-friday. It seems to be working fairly well so far, even though I've only been doing it for a week or so. It's a last attempt on about a million diets to loose the stone I've put on on the medication I'm on, since I have a costume for a convention at the end of may that reveals my stomach (I don't expect to be able to wear it, but I'd still like to be able to lose as much as possible, then maybe I can wear it at the next convention in october).

So far, I've done pretty well. I'm catching up from the junk food I ate on the bus to get to cambridge yesterday at the moment - I'm 900 down, 1100 to go (and I'm going to do the next 100 after I've posted this). Every other day this week I've kept it up. ^____^

Also, take a look at this site my boyfriend found for me: http://www.caloriecontrol.org/winweigh.html. It's got a useful calorie calculator, showing you how much you need to eat in a day to keep up your current weight, and how much different activities are worth.

I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.


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25 Apr 2008, 11:33 am

No, of course we don't mind!
What a lot of star jumps! 900 - fantastic! How did you go with the 1100 to go? :)

Medication can really make you gain weight. My son was on zypreza for a short period (did him no good) and he gained 10 kg in 2 monthes! It effects both appetite and metabolism. He is now on ritalin, which has the opposite effect....

Ouinon hope you enjoyed the sun - isn't it wonderfull!


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28 Apr 2008, 8:57 am

They actually got done, which somewhat surprised me. I went to the doctors today, and my blood pressure's down, so I've been doing something right recently. :D Now I just need to catch up with today's munchies from the bus back to oxford.

I spoke to my boyfriend over the weekend, and we're going to get Wii fit for the summer. ^___^ Which should help as well.

How is everyone else doing?

I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.


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29 Apr 2008, 5:50 am

Great news with your BP. I have a friend who can keep her BP down by working out. Keep the good work up!
The runnings going fine - still 3 times a week. My son ran 15 km at school last week!! !! I'm no where near running that far....

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30 Apr 2008, 10:23 am

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Nothing for 4 days, ( last one was friday morning; today is wednesday afternoon), apart from a small hill climb during a picnic on a mountain side on sunday; totally glorious. Eye-food.

Then today went for another 45 minute walk, in the sun. Good.

Congratulations everyone who's keeping this up so well. I lost touch with the why for a few days. But now thinking about my thyroid.

How are you feeling katrine? Is it having some effect?
Welcome, Purplefluffychainsaw :)


Last edited by ouinon on 02 May 2008, 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.


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30 Apr 2008, 11:15 am

It's good that you're walking again, Ouinon, think of all the good that'll come from it! :D

Don't worry, Katrine, you'll get there eventually. My dad took two years to build up his fitness levels again after breaking his leg, but now he's doing triathlons. o___O My target is to beat him in a race - he has the advantage of leg length and practise, but I have youth and light weight. 8)

The first official day of my summer didn't go to well. >> I had to go shopping to get the things I need to go back to cambridge, and I found easter eggs on sale. So I've done 2000 star jumps so far, and I have 1500 to go. XD;; But I have no schoolwork in the way now, so I have more time to exercise. I'm hoping to be fit enough to start running by the end of the summer. ^____^

I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.

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02 May 2008, 7:19 am

Walked again today. :D 45 mins, at aerobic exercise pace, with 8 year old son, in the sun.

I think the data I've been getting about hypothyroid disease has connected with something. But def notice how knees and side-calf muscles are stiff/inflexible and easily hurt.

Been eating a dose of something sea-ish every day for last 3 days.

How is everyone else doing? Hope are ok. Good luck and lots of big vibes for fitness. :bounce: :heart:



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07 May 2008, 2:21 am

Something sea-ish? Fish, seaweed and such?

I haven't done anything since I left oxford on thurdsay (except for the usual walking to/from places). ^^; My ankles have been misbehaving and I can't walk in the mornings. >< I'm at my parents house at the moment though, so I'm going to set up the bike and do half an hour with that later. ^____^

I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.


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17 May 2008, 3:02 pm

Hi there -
any body still paying attention? :)
Still doing the running, but bogged down with work - really. So I haven't been near the computer. Also, my lap top, which was broken, got lost by the company repairing it. 8O :( Haven't bought a new one yet, and it makes all the difference when it comes to being online. Don't know why... but I haven't been online at all for a month!! !! !

Hope you guys are ok and still at it. May not post for a while...

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17 May 2008, 4:49 pm

katrine wrote:
Hi there ... anybody still paying attention? :) Still doing the running. Hope you guys are ok and still at it.
Ok, but hopelessly inactive. One walk last week, nothing since. Feeling stressed because of unanticipated, ( unlooked-for result of irresponsibly/accidentally/deliberately ambiguous wording of last year's amendment in law relating to homeschoolers etc) , attention from the french Academic Inspection. Tense till after date due to take papers/"school"-work to show them.

But also/mainly because aches/pains and stiffnesses got "ridiculous", considering was only gentle walks, and so decided to concentrate on diet again, anti-candida and/or paleo diet in hope of eliminating a myriad of mysterious and mounting health "niggles".

Sorry to hear about your computer loss. 8O That is serious. :( Hope you get insurance/compensation to fully cover cost of replacement one.

Impressed to hear that you're still running. Hope you feel good on it. I may yet pick this up again. It just seems to be resistant to me, exercise, somehow. :(
