Dingo7 wrote:
Oh wow... that would have been so sick to watch... did you try talk to him at all???
ive read that his easy to talk to in the surf...
How is the north shore compared to how crowded and crazy they say it is in the magazines? its somewhere ive always wanted to go...
Yeah we paddled over and were like dude! Clay! could you sign my surfboard when we get to shore? He was chill and said sure and were out there for the entire afternoon. He was SICK, he could do all these crazy spins I don't think he follows the rules of physics.
I kind of asked him how everything was going for him with the Aspergers and all when my friend was far off. He seemed kind of hesitant to talk about it but I was like , you know I have it too. At that he was really open and sounded an awful lot like the people on here. He was asking about like how I fit in socially at college parties and other people my own age.... Apparently he is madly famous but apart from several close friends and his really beautiful girlfriend but he doesnt have 'friends'....hes just surrounded by fans, reporters and cameras and fake 'friends' who want to be associated with him because hes Clay marzo..... He seemed pretty happy to see that I was able to pretty much pass off as a normal 21 year old w/ friends and a full social life, he said its possible for him too with time, but he spends so much time surfing he doesnt socialize much.
Um, the North Shore is a local favorite spot for beach goers. You get lots of families, teenagers, ppl of all ages and types that go to the North Shore....but when the surf is good the surfers come out of the woodwork and SWAMP it. Thankfully the North Shore is a pretty long stretch of beach so theres enough waves for everyone most of the time.